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Thread: Divorce is never fair for one side

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stevewool Divorce is never fair for one... 30th March 2017, 13:07
Trefor Yes, the press love to talk... 30th March 2017, 14:45
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  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Divorce is never fair for one side

    I am sure there are many who have been through a divorce and maybe some have been through a couple.
    And i bet it was never fair to one side of the couple.
    I can only go on my divorce as i have all the facts.
    At first we both sat down and agreed that the marriage was over so let's be grown ups and sort this out.
    We agreed to do this and do that and all was going well until the advice from friends started coming into our planning.
    Before long there was more demands from one side asking for more cash and wanting more from the home.
    In the end i did try to accommodate but in the end it just got to much, the wanting more never stopped.
    So i put my foot down and stood my ground and said no more.
    Just over a year later there was a call from the other party, can we talk.
    Can we go back to what we both agreed on in the first place, this divorce is making me bad.
    I said we agreed the terms between us and you was the one who wanted more, the answer i received, well if someone said i can get you more what would you have done, i would have said we have decided ourselves what is best, so no thankyou.
    In the end it went well for me and for her.
    Maybe bretix will be like this too i am thinking

  2. #2
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    Yes, the press love to talk about Brexit, especially any negative article (BBC, Sky, ITV, Ch4, Al-Jazeera ... Ok, thats all of them). Lots of talk but at the end of the day I am confident things will work out OK. It is the uncertainty and risk of it not working out that scares people (and some into voting Remain). The press makes is worse for everyone. I look forward to trade deals with the US and China. The EU will come grovelling then - Trump is going to re-negotiate the EU<>US agreement and there is no trade deal EU<>China yet.

    Divorce - hmm, sounds like you were very lucky actually. Many cases of 'the mental' out there during and after proceedings, especially when children are involved and being used as 'weapons' against Fathers.

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