Well last night i popped outside to look up at the night sky to see if it was worth taking a few pictures and to my surprise coming straight over was the space station.
It is a amazing site just watching it fly past going faster then a plane but nothing like a shooting star, after watching it for a minute or so it was gone , but the moon and a few planets was there so the camera came out.
Now i dont know whether there was a April fools joke flying around but there was supposed to be a comet coming across our way too just below the big dipper,
Anyway camera set up to take a fee pictures of the night sky and i thought why not take a few pictures around the big dipper and see what i can get.
Now what is that strange object on my pictures is it a star, is it a comet or could it be a little speck of dust.
If any one is interested the space station will come across our skies tonight at around 8.24pm , look up and facing north west you may see it coming towards you, thats if it is a clear night.