Lots,and I mean LOTS of bargains in rural france,i just looked in an estate agents window in Limoges

Ok,this last week I have been staying in a fantastic farmhouse,the couple sold their 3 bed semi in Manchester and bought a dream life with the cash,a 65 acre French farm with lots of outbuildings ripe for conversion to gites,they are the only people I know with a 650 metre landing strip in the back garden

One old lady in the village has just sold her house to move back to the UK,a really tastefull 3 bed,stuck on the market 18 months ago for 90,000 euros,the market is stale,she has just accepted an offer for 50,000 euros including all of her furniture

we took off each morning for an hour's flight tuition,landed at another strip where a few French pilots always made us coffee and had a chat,very laid back place,great people,i met a brit who is renting a few acres for 120 euros a year

he grows 600+ kilos of chillies a year and sends them back to a hot chillie sauce manufacturer in the UK,loads of brits out here and loads of cheap land and properties,theres even an aldi in the local village,and a netto