Reading another thread got me thinking about "living the dream". and could it still happen.
So anyone would like to comment rather then just read this would be helpful.
My dream is to have enough money to make living over in the Philippines doable so how much is my dream going to cost me.
Forget the rent and the big house and the even bigger tv and the big car and the big holidays and the even bigger look at me sort of thing.
I want to just blend in and just enjoy life doing what i am thinking i am wanting, yes a trip here and there could be arranged from our savings.
Maybe a car at a later date too, but these maybe will happen at a later date.
With not having any children to feed and send to collage and to look after all there life i know my budget will be a lot less then others.
So what is the budget then for this simple life.
Food, water, electric, gaz bottle, jeepneys, rates, the everyday items that is needed, have i missed any.
If i have not missed any well then here is the next budget.
Holidays, birthdays, wedding days, trips back to England, running and buying a car,maintaining the house this will be from another budget.

Anyone who is living there dream or nightmare over ni the Philippines on there own budget could and would you like to comment on your daily living expensive s and whether it could be achieved.
Please if you spare the time to write on here dont go back 20-30 years ago when you was there and you was living on a farthing a week.