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Thread: Passport Name/Travel Booking???

  1. #1
    Member STU3UK's Avatar
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    Passport Name/Travel Booking???

    I am looking to book travel for myself and fiance for after we have got married, and have obtained the FLR, for later in the year.

    My question is once we are married and Hannah has her passport ammended, what name shall I put for the airline tickets?

    I might be confused but as I understand it, when the Passport is amended she will only get a sticker in it with her married name and details but the name at the back remains the same. I thought this might be an issue for tickets/immigration etc?



  2. #2
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    she will get a stamp with hand written details which includes her new name and your name on the "married to" bit, etc. her middle name would now be her old surname as her surname would now be your surname.

    when you book your flight, she can now use her married name. for example: hannah (first name) garcia (ols surname) scott (new surname). her ticket would then say: scott, hannahgarciamrs.

    as her new name is on the amendment page, make sure you mention this when checking in your luggage. from experience, they seem to flick the passport over and over again thinking the ticket against the passport does not seem to make sense.

    on immigration, just place the ticket on the amendment page so that when the officers open it its on the right detail page and they can just double check in later on on the other page to confirm photograph.

    hope this helps!

  3. #3
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eula mackay View Post
    she will get a stamp with hand written details which includes her new name and your name on the "married to" bit, etc. her middle name would now be her old surname as her surname would now be your surname.

    when you book your flight, she can now use her married name. for example: hannah (first name) garcia (ols surname) scott (new surname). her ticket would then say: scott, hannahgarciamrs.

    as her new name is on the amendment page, make sure you mention this when checking in your luggage. from experience, they seem to flick the passport over and over again thinking the ticket against the passport does not seem to make sense.

    on immigration, just place the ticket on the amendment page so that when the officers open it its on the right detail page and they can just double check in later on on the other page to confirm photograph.

    hope this helps!
    lordy that sounds complicated

  4. #4
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    it is a bit complicated, especially when the person on the check in desk only pretends to lisen to what youre saying. then they will sit there flicking your passport over and over again without actually reading it.

  5. #5
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by STU3UK View Post
    I am looking to book travel for myself and fiance for after we have got married, and have obtained the FLR, for later in the year.

    My question is once we are married and Hannah has her passport ammended, what name shall I put for the airline tickets?

    I might be confused but as I understand it, when the Passport is amended she will only get a sticker in it with her married name and details but the name at the back remains the same. I thought this might be an issue for tickets/immigration etc?
    To avoid any trouble nowadays in travelling, passport, ticket and visa must be under the same name. Passport should be valid 6 month minimum over the end of stay.
    Best regards.

  6. #6
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    When we got married, my wife got a new passport - it took 2 weeks - lots of queuing in passport office though.

    So now she has a passport in her married name - no probs.


  7. #7
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    best way to do it prof!

    when i got married, my passport was only a year old and had 3 valid visas on it so i just had it amended rather than renewed. otherwise its going to be more complicated if i have a new passport with my new married name stapled to my old passport which has visas on it.

    its not really an issue on immigration if your name is amended,the only thing that can be tricky is when airline check in staff dont listen. i never had difficulty in immigration anywhere as they seem to have more idea of what they do for a living.

    used my amended name on travel booking more than 8 times since i got married and never a problem with immigration. its always the airline staff, esp easyjet!!!!

    i am definitely renewing though before i apply for ILR in sept 2009!

  8. #8
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by STU3UK View Post
    I am looking to book travel for myself and fiance for after we have got married, and have obtained the FLR, for later in the year.

    My question is once we are married and Hannah has her passport ammended, what name shall I put for the airline tickets?

    I might be confused but as I understand it, when the Passport is amended she will only get a sticker in it with her married name and details but the name at the back remains the same. I thought this might be an issue for tickets/immigration etc?


    i think you still use her name in the passport it doesn't matter if your married and have an amended

  9. #9
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    this is how your passport PAGE 3 would exactly read when it is amended hence the reason why travel bookings should be on the amended name. if it is not your intention to be known on your married name for identification purposes, etc, it defies the purpose of having gone through all the agros of having your passport amended



    Hannah Garcia Scott ( hand written)
    Married to (hand witten)

    Stephen John Halley (hand written)

    Embassy Stamp : Signature of the Consul
    Brenadette Therese C. Fernandez

    Fee Paid: £15.00 Service No: 21455
    Official Receipt No. 0089
    DATE: JAN 4, 2007

    Say you have your passport amended and yet continue using your maiden for travel bookings, is it not more confusing why you are using your maiden name when it is in black and white that you have amended it already? That there is an amendment which you obviously had applied for and yet dont use it?

    Bear in mind that the amendment against the passport detail page with photo HAS MORE RECENT DATE hence why it should be used.

    I had my passport amended after we got married and as I have said previously had no problems with immigration. Whether it is ok to continue using maiden name on amended passport for travel bookings I would not know. Anybody?

  10. #10
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    I always used my married name in booking flights and everything and i have no problem with it.

    PS. YOur name in your visa should be match in your travel ticket..
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  11. #11
    Respected Member hilda_danao's Avatar
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    i have just traveled to phil on 3rd week of december using my amended name in my passport.came back before new year. i didn't experience any problems at all. just show them amended page with ticket. i think immigration officers already know about it.

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