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Thread: parental visits

  1. #1
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    I was just thinking the other night once jasmine is over here with me, at some time she may like her mum to visit ..but having seen how hard it is to bring a wife back is this even possible for a relative to visit
    anyone tried this ?

  2. #2
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Originally posted by dave65@Feb 21 2006, 12:34 PM
    I was just thinking the other night once jasmine is over here with me, at some time she may like her mum to visit ..but having seen how hard it is to bring a wife back is this even possible for a relative to visit
    anyone tried this ?
    Hi Dave,
    i am sure that this subject has been touched upon elsewhere on the forum, if you get a chance have a look. It seems possible but like others visas it will be difficult. A friend of mine went through the same thing but was turned down and i remember Pete giving a great description of what is expected...


  3. #3
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    My wifes mother came over for a 6 month visit 2 years ago..
    I thought it might have been dificult but it was all very straight forward.
    No problems at all.

  4. #4
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    I have had parents-in-law twice,and sister,brother-in-law over a 14 year period and today just got the call this morning that the youngest brother got his visa this morning.

    There were some problems along the way, but they were resolved, and i always insisted that they return home at the tail end of their visa in case it causes problems down the line for other applications.

    Apart from trying to help a cousin while in Manila, and attending the embassy with her, and given the green light only for her to be refused after I had left, I have found the Embassy staff to be O.K. Others have different experiances though. <_<

    You have enemies? Good. That means you&#39;ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.
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  5. #5
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    Thanks guys
    good to know its not impossible anyway as i am sure this is something jasmine will ask about at some time

  6. #6
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    All I can remember is that I had to put £3,000 in my account to show I could support her whilst she was here..The rest went as smooth as silk for us.

  7. #7
    andypaul's Avatar
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    I guess the Embassy want to see that the person has reasons to go back to phill, can support themsleves while here etc.

    An older lady already married with assets in the Phillipines would i guess find it much easier than a young single person with no assets.

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