A treat today was to go into town for dinner then a little shopping.
Cosmo was the place to eat and its been a few weeks since we last went to this place so it was a nice time spent chatting together.
It still amazes me when you do you around how many folk are checking there phones, and that's all ages too, put them down and talk to each other.
One and a half hours later it was into the shops, for me RED 5 and Jessops and for Emma is was every shop we went past.
Well i did enjoy the time looking around my two shops and all i could here from Emma i will buy you the GoPro, but i just cannot let her, so out we walked with just there magazine.
Next was every cloths shop and shoe shop there is going, and how is it you just look the other way and turn back and they have disappeared , best bet is to make your way back to the door and wait i say.
3 hours later back at home safe and sound and i did not have to say "I AM SO EXCITED" at all.
Now its Aldi time.