Here is a video of me and my mate Dave down in Devon at my daughters place.
It was a good few years ago and they had this business or those big balls that you went down a hill in.
Anyway we went down to try to help set it up and for our weekend of help we had the first go down the hill.
We wanted to go down not strapped in so they had some water in the bottom so you would just slide around inside the ball.
After I'd seen the water being pored into the ball I thought I was going to get wet through, so I took my trousers off and socks too, so I was down to pants and a tee shirt.
Anyway Dave is a big bloke and trying to get through the hole well that was going to be difficult, so he was told to run and dive into it.
He got stuck and with a big help and push when i got hold of his legs he flopped into the water, that was so funny, it was then my turn and like flipper I managed to get in and landed on top of him.
Rolling down the hill I did make sure i would be landing on top of Dave, I did not want his weight landing on top of me.
This would have been great if we had a GoPro at the time, but being around 9 years ago, they were not around then.
Happy memories and a great laugh too.