Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
In all my years of working and paying tax , it have always seems that the working man pays for most things.
There is a chap at work who has 5 kids and all he does is complain about he would be better of on the dole claiming with his kids plus he has another one on the way.
This chap has not got much , likes to play bingo and drives a battered car, no savings and lives from week to week, and maybe he may be better of claiming for this and that rather then working 45 hours a week .
Steve you are constantly taking knocks at Smokers, and Beer Drinkers, now you mention that this chap doesnt have much, he works, its his choice what he does, most people live from week to week. Im not knocking you mate but it seems to me he is closer to the average guy out there, than what you are. You are middle class, but remember their is always someone with more, and someone with less, whoever we are we are very lucky to have choices, some people dont have those choices..