Hello Alma welcome to the forum, I think others have given you some very good advice, but I want you to act cautiously with your British contact, I appreciate you have been chatting online for about 5 months, that is fair enough, it gives you some time to get a feel for this man, however, be honest about your relationship from the start.

As many of us have found, 6 weeks can be alright for some people, and in some situations, 2-3 years have elapsed with others, and everyone else is generally in between.

I have known a British guy chat with a girl for 6 weeks, go out to see her, come back thinking he had just spent 2 weeks in Disney, then after 3 months is back again, and they are here on a Fiancee Visa.

Then there has been another I know, who chatted with his girl for 2 years, and still had not been out to Philippines, he was a slow starter obviously, but in the end he did it, another satisfied couple.

My point is this, everyone's situation is different, this is the risk of finding love in cyber world, these days, Internet dating is a risk, the trouble with all of us who went down this road is that, very often we bestow on the other party a set of attributes we expect to see based on chatting with them for 5-6 months or less, our expectations can very often be alot higher than the real person has to give.

Most people who chat in cyber world, tend to be looking for a lifetime partner, surprisingly, and against the grain, the success ratio of British and Filipino's is pretty good considering many of those relationships started via internet and via match making sites such as FH and AE or CB.

However, my advice is to still act cautiously with this man, my reasons for this are very simple, and make sense if you think about it.

Firstly, I have a general rule I stick to and its this "If Something does not seem quite right and is irritating me, its generally not right"

My second general rule is this, and based on my experience, its a rule I stick to like glue.

"Get involved with the wrong person, spend a lifetime trying to get uninvolved"

The fact that you brought your concerns to this forum firstly tells me that you are starting to flag your contact's behaviour, and by the way, I don't buy into his stress, everyone in UK suffers with one form of stress or another, UK life makes people suffer with stress, it could be paying the mortgage, finding the income tax to pay, council tax bills, or it could just be the death of a loved one, or other stress that is playing up at a particular time.

However, whatever stresses and strains your contact has at this time in his life, he has no business attempting to put these on your shoulders, he is a man, and he is responsible for his own monkey.

Monkey's are units of stress, if he has lots of monkeys he is carrying around on his shoulder, he should not be putting the monkey's on your shoulder, so
I am not buying his stress reklamo ng reklamo.

By all means if you want to have him come visit you, if he continues to be aggressive and show the same behaviour I would be cautious about him, remember at this stage, you are not an actual couple, only a cyber couple, this is what most people seem to forget, internet couples are not the same as couples who have been seeing each other in person for several months etc.

And even when they do, there is still no guarantee that a relationship will work, my wife just told me today, that a Filipina friend of hers who lives in Negros Occidental, recently married to a Filipino, and they moved to Leyte Province, after 1 year, the marriage has ended in a Legal Separation, and she has moved out of the matrimonial home, they are living apart.

Now thats a Filipino/Filipino courtship and marriage ended up living apart after 1 year.

By the way, they courted for 5 years.

Living together obviously caused friction, and they could not do it, thats my point about this, love is a gamble I am afraid and you gamble all the time.

my final point is Alma, no one can advise you what to do, they can only have sympathy with your situation, you cannot ask us at this forum, where a guy who shows a certain trait of behaviour and then blames it on stress, and then you ask is this " Common to British men "?

How do we know ? we don't know all 20 Million of them ?

The choices you make are your own ! no matter how much advice you are given, its your choice, and we wish you the best with it, good or bad, you will find out in due course, I hope its good.

Best of Luck.