Originally posted by Pauldo@Feb 25 2006, 04:44 PM
A single guy might like a maid to sort his hovel out for him, I can understand that, but I refused to have a maid when my wife and I lived over there. Any housewife who is too lazy to do the daily chores is not a good wife

If a couple had several kids and a big house I could understand, or if both parents were working, but just someone to wash and clean because the wife is too lazy would be a recipe for disaster. What would the wife do all day, apart from go shopping and make chismis with the other local lazy housewives? :huh:
Hi of course what you are saying is along the lines i was thinking. I would not want a maid just for the sake of having one but if a time comes that both my wife and i have to much work on and cannot find the time to do everything.I am not sure even then if Rhea would want a maid...