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Thread: Labour [Claims Party] Will SCRAP Financial Income Threshold For Family Reunion - If Elected

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  1. #1
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Exclamation Labour [Claims Party] Will SCRAP Financial Income Threshold For Family Reunion - If Elected

    's according to a purported "leaked" manfesto ... a topic on which the Party refuses to comment! ...

    This article comes at a time when - in yet ANOTHER bid to curb immigration - the Conservatives are rumoured to be planning an increase in the current £18,600 for a partner, £22,400 for a couple with one dependent, then followed by a further £2,400 for each additional child, as introduced 5 years ago.

    Trouble is, most of 's indigenous population is only too keen to have migrant figures kept under control ... which, I suspect, could be one of the MAIN reasons the Tories are presently riding high in opinion polls.

    But ... ... if, there's any truth in the link I've posted above ... if, in fact, the Corbynites really ARE serious about ditching the harsh income requirements, then - on principle, as well as out of my own GENUINE concern for future visa applicants - I'm more than prepared to cast aside a family tradition going back to my parents and both sets of grandparents and, for once, vote Labour!

  2. #2
    Respected Member Longweekend's Avatar
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    If you look at the bigger picture and not just a few Filipinas gaining UK access it's a scary thought when you have millions of Pakistani/Afghan/ Bangladeshi/etc etc who would be eligible, so even though it could be good for some on this forum I would never consider voting for Labour if it was to open the floodgates again...

  3. #3
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    To quote a famous saying,

    The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few

  4. #4
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    I would never vote Labout ever.
    And now this, well I have my own thoughts about this.
    If you don't earn enough get another job, if you are not working and you fall in love with someone far away, well move there.
    Life can be so simple sometimes.

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    I would never vote Labout ever.
    ... so you'd never vote for [the] Layabouts, then, Steve?

    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    If you don't earn enough get another job, if you are not working and you fall in love with someone far away, well move there.
    ... it shouldn't be necessary for a born and bred British taxpayer to "knock his/her pan out" doing more than one job
    - NOR
    be forced to leave the land of one's birth either - simply in order to be with one's nearest and dearest!

    ... such treatment is nothing short of inhumane and, in the the latter, case, [almost] tantamount to deportation.

  6. #6
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ... so you'd never vote for [the] Layabouts, then, Steve?

    Arthur, I am so sorry about my spelling. I did not notice this mistake and usually spell check would work, but I have been assured by Keith that spelling on this forum is nothing to worry about, it's the taking part and being a member that is more important.
    I do my best to try to spell correctly, but hey it's a little thing I have to live with and to tell the truth, it does not bother me one bit.
    But I am sure there are lots of layabouts in Labour.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ... it shouldn't be necessary for a born and bred British taxpayer to "knock his/her pan out" doing more than one job
    - NOR
    be forced to leave the land of one's birth either - simply in order to be with one's nearest and dearest!

    ... such treatment is nothing short of inhumane and, in the latter case, [almost] tantamount to deportation.
    You are right it should not be necessary to do more than one job, but I did to get the things I wanted, and bringing my partner here, I went without and made sure that I had everything that was expected from me from the laws of this land.
    Everyone should know the laws and what it cost to bring your love one here, and if you have not enough funds to do that, well sorry then you cannot,
    I don't agree with all the laws that we have, but look what is happening around us with people wanting their own laws.

  7. #7
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ... so you'd never vote for [the] Layabouts, then, Steve?
    A simple spelling mistake, made by me, but maybe there are some layabouts in the Labour party too.
    Well all have our little faults but to others they seem like mountains, but when you live with your own little faults they don't seem to matter as much.

  8. #8
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post

    This article comes at a time when - in yet ANOTHER bid to curb immigration - the Conservatives are rumoured to be planning an increase in the current £18,600 for a partner, £22,400 for a couple with one dependent, then followed by a further £2,400 for each additional child, as introduced 5 years ago.

    Ah here it is ... the other article I knew I'd seen, and referred to yesterday:

    ... 'fraid, tho' the actual new figures the hikes would amount to AREN'T mentioned.

  9. #9
    Respected Member Harry T's Avatar
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    Im sorry but i hate these supposed Manifestos, i would love to see back over time, how much thats been put in these Manifestos actually got brought into law.
    Im sorry i was inclining towards Mrs May, but by sticking to this 100.000 immigrants per year, she has shown me its just another ploy to win over UKIP supporters, she never got down to that target previously, and its simply not practical, we are desperately short of Doctors, Nurses, and Healthcare workers, the worst affected are our Care homes, and Care in the Community Workers we simply cant get enough of them, but under the current rules its impossible to get Visas for this type of Worker, when we actually exit the EU where does she think we will get the supply from for these Healthcare Workers or will that be part of the NHS break up ?.

    On another point Steve mentions getting 2 jobs again this strikes me as Im alright Jack, if someone is unable to basically exist on his Salary then its not a proper job, because if someone has to claim working Tax Credits its basically a subsidy, its also a subsidy to the boss to enable the Company to make more profits, any company can make millions, but making millions by paying low wages, is a No no to my mind.

  10. #10
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry T View Post
    Im sorry but i hate these supposed Manifestos, i would love to see back over time, how much thats been put in these Manifestos actually got brought into law.
    Im sorry i was inclining towards Mrs May, but by sticking to this 100.000 immigrants per year, she has shown me its just another ploy to win over UKIP supporters, she never got down to that target previously, and its simply not practical, we are desperately short of Doctors, Nurses, and Healthcare workers, the worst affected are our Care homes, and Care in the Community Workers we simply cant get enough of them, but under the current rules its impossible to get Visas for this type of Worker, when we actually exit the EU where does she think we will get the supply from for these Healthcare Workers or will that be part of the NHS break up ?.

    On another point Steve mentions getting 2 jobs again this strikes me as Im alright Jack, if someone is unable to basically exist on his Salary then its not a proper job, because if someone has to claim working Tax Credits its basically a subsidy, its also a subsidy to the boss to enable the Company to make more profits, any company can make millions, but making millions by paying low wages, is a No no to my mind.
    I agree with some of what you say Harry,
    The manifesto thing is just a load of crap, and what gets my goat is "it will 5 years to sort this out", well in 5 years time they could be voted out.
    No matter who is in government the other parties will criticize whatever they are doing or whatever they did not Doctors, care workers and nurses do they have to be foreign or something cannot people from here or already here become these sort of workers?
    Same goes for the so called fruit pickers or farm workers, have they got to be foreign too? I was 12 working my school holidays working on the farms, and left school to work the land growing products until I left for a better paid job as I had a new family to support.
    What I am trying to say, with so many unemployed cannot they go into care work?
    I am led to believe that if you are here and working and a so called foreigner you are safe in your work, but like anything things can change.

    Concerning my 2 jobs and it sounding like I'm alright jack, well I had to make sure i was alright because no one else cared about me and my wife and my young children, free milk tokens were all we had then.
    Being age 19 working on the farm from 8am till 6pm, then for 3 days working till 10.30pm, yes all my own choice but I wanted more for my family.

  11. #11
    Respected Member Longweekend's Avatar
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    Any government would be unable to put a cap on immigration while a member of the EU due to the freedom of movement law. Once out of the EU it may be possible but you could still allow in certain professions that the country needs....
    Regarding the 2 x job scenario, if the job one currently has does not pay enough either look for one that does or take a 2nd one, nobody is born with the right to a job that pays enough to keep him, that is only available in La La Land...

  12. #12
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Longweekend View Post
    Any government would be unable to put a cap on immigration while a member of the EU due to the freedom of movement law. Once out of the EU it may be possible but you could still allow in certain professions that the country needs....
    Regarding the 2 x job scenario, if the job one currently has does not pay enough either look for one that does or take a 2nd one, nobody is born with the right to a job that pays enough to keep him, that is only available in La La Land...
    Nice pair of high cut plimsols, what size and are they for sale?

  13. #13
    Respected Member Longweekend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    Nice pair of high cut plimsols, what size and are they for sale?
    Steve, don't let my daughter hear them called plimsols, they are 'Converse'...

  14. #14
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Longweekend View Post
    Steve, don't let my daughter hear them called plimsols, they are 'Converse'...
    Years and years ago, I had a pair of these with drainpipe jeans talk about Coco the clown with size 12 feet I must have looked like a right one, but hey it was fashion.

  15. #15
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    As far as jobs for immigrants go...

    Train OUR people to do all of these jobs !

    Time to harness our thousands (if not millions) of home-grown idle gits or those put on the 'scrapheap' into training/re-training.

    There ARE millions of Brits out there, in jails, idling on the street corners, SKILLED people put out to grass driving courier vans, compulsory-retired, etc. Thousands of post-grads currently working in menial jobs.

    Where there's a will, there's a way.

    Pay some proper wages too... even if it does mean the spoilt brats in this country have to manage on one less car, a few bottles of wine less, or fewer expensive unhealthy take-aways. My heart bleeds for them .

    There was still food rationing in this country when I was born.

  16. #16
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    and for those who vote Tory could this immigration rule come back?, even if you've loads of that will not mean

    I wonder if Labour had not scrapped the rule how many people on here would this rule have affected?

  17. #17
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    and for those who vote Tory could this immigration rule come back?, even if you've loads of that will not mean

    I wonder if Labour had not scrapped the rule how many people on here would this rule have affected?
    A few on here, I am sure, but what about the tens of thousands that are from other Asian countries that would be here and maybe working or claiming?

  18. #18
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    There was some 'refugee' from Syria on telly the other night... waiting at Heathrow for his wife to arrive. I had to turn the thing off.

  19. #19
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    There was some 'refugee' from Syria on telly the other night... waiting at Heathrow for his wife to arrive. I had to turn the thing off.
    well maybe he tried Poland first before he came here

    I'm sure after Brexit and May being PM there will be fewer 'refugees' getting here
    Last edited by joebloggs; 28th May 2017 at 20:40.

  20. #20
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    Too late Joe.

    The country is well and truly polluted with whole 'communities' who are only here for what they can get, and who basically despise us and our way of life. Glad I've had a few good years of my life in the country my dad and grandads fought for. They'd hate the way things have turned out.

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