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Thread: How Much do you value your Filipino wife ?

  1. #1
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    How Much do you value your Filipino wife ?

    3 years of wonderful times and it doesnt get much better than this !

    After hearing of the tragic news regarding poor Jasmine Picket's death, and the kind words that David bestowed on his relationship with Jasmine, it kind of got me thinking about just how lucky I am, I know many of you reading this post, will find yourselves agreeing with me, in fact, I have yet to hear any of the British members on this forum, having ever said a bad word about their Filipino beauty.

    For those of you who have been married for some time, say over 2 years, I wondered just how your life has changed ? How has living with a woman of a far distant culture been for you ? what changes did you have to make, we all joke about the amazing things that happen when it comes to cultural differences, but I often wonder whether we sometimes fall into the rut of taking our wife for granted ?

    Hearing of Davids tragic news kind of sobered me up somewhat, although I was not lacking in that department, and always speak my mind when it comes to telling my girl what I think about her, (she normally laughs it off and says "Chikka" - sometimes you girls why can you not be serious and take compliments"). as I said, not lacking, but I did tell my girl, how lucky I thought I was, having someone who treats me the way she does.

    Speaking from my own personal situation, there is not a day goes by when I don't look forward to rushing home to be with my girl, I can remember a time in the past, when I used to dread coming home, sometimes I thought that was how life was !

    My girls, happy go lucky positive outlook on life has certainly peaked me up over the last 3 years, and nothing for her has ever been too much trouble, she looks after me like a King, thats one of the reasons I feel so lucky, I mentioned in another post, that Willie Revillame, the Wowowee main host on ABS CBN T.V. in QC said recently in a show that "The Filipino wife is the best in the world"

    Well they have to work pretty hard to get that title, but its true in my view, but then maybe I am just a little bit biased, in every way, my girl pleases me, and I am sure yours does too, (no lewd jokes you lot from up NORTH)

    I just thought we should give some credit where credit is due, I could not ask for a better wife, and I could not be more happier, and thats after 3 years, I hear guys saying this after they just got married, I know of ones who have been married to Filipina's for several years, and much longer than 3 years, and they still say it.

    Whats your experience, do you not all agree with me ?

  2. #2
    Respected Member winner's Avatar
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    yes your 100pc right pete all loveing i know we only been marred 9 months and i know the magic will sill be there nice she wating on door step when im coming from work saying my love miss you how your day been neve look back now always forward have baby in july thats how much we love each other so i say to all you guys out there its all ture what thay say about filipina thay look afer there man god bless to all and hapy new year

  3. #3
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    Hi Pete, nice one!
    I've only been with my Gem for two years now but I feel I know her better than my previous wife for who I was married to for 25 years!
    I've got a wife now who wants me home every night not the other way around earning as much money as possible
    A totally stress free loving and honest relationship

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    wait til you've known your g/f or wife for 8 years i've been wed 5 years, it's a life sentance

    joking aside , i know what you mean, but i miss little joe just as much, and oh better not leave the other kids and the dog out

    may you have many more happy years pete..

  5. #5
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Ive known her for 5 years Joe, not sure if she will suddenly change, I doubt it, I think thats long enough, thanks for the well wishing, like one or two others on here, I was married previously for 24 years and that was a life sentence mate I can tell you....

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
    Ive known her for 5 years Joe, not sure if she will suddenly change, I doubt it, I think thats long enough, thanks for the well wishing, like one or two others on here, I was married previously for 24 years and that was a life sentence mate I can tell you....
    24yrs ...

    i don't want to think about it , oh yes i do, i'll be retired by then , oh pitty wife will still be working for a another 6 yrs , might be a good time to start drinking then, start under a palm tree

    oh your lady wife change , what about you changing...

  7. #7
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    A nice post Pete.

    Hanna and I are mere novices, having only been married for 9 months - but I could not imagine life without her.


  8. #8
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Exactly Alan, I can tell from your posts that Hanna means so much to you, you are certainly blessed there mate, "When one finds a good thing, one feeds it and cherishes it"

    I think that just about sums up how we all feel di ba ?

  9. #9
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    My husband is not a member here so im speaking for him..LOL

    I know how i am special to him, treated me like a princess, even though sometimes im nasty to him, he's still calmed and the most reserve person that i've ever known.
    He's too kind, which its annoyed me sometimes.

    AND return, I love him like no one else can love him but me. He's really means so much to me. I don't know what I do if I lost him. I don't know if I can cope without him.
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  10. #10
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Ervenecence, fair enough, but you cannot speak for him hahahaha, he has to come on if he dares, and tell us what you mean to him ?

    So will he or won't he ?

    he treats you like a princess, that is obvious, and you are reklamo with him, or tampo maybe, but it annoys you because he is so nice, do you prefer cruel men then ?

    Some girls do, they find it attractive in a man that he treats them like a dogs body, or maybe his slave,

    Your husband appreciates you that we can see, and your affections for him is obvious, you appreciate him, and in return he appreciates you,

    hmmm happy love story for Ervenescence, lucky in love, even the celebrities dont get as lucky as you,

    Thanks for sharing.

  11. #11
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
    Ive known her for 5 years Joe, not sure if she will suddenly change, I doubt it, I think thats long enough, thanks for the well wishing, like one or two others on here, I was married previously for 24 years and that was a life sentence mate I can tell you....
    tiger tigress

    ♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.

  12. #12
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
    Exactly Alan, I can tell from your posts that Hanna means so much to you, you are certainly blessed there mate, "When one finds a good thing, one feeds it and cherishes it"

    I think that just about sums up how we all feel di ba ?
    D'ya know Pete - ever since my ex left and took me to the cleaners, I have been kicked in the teeth by bad luck SO MANY times.

    Meeting and marrying Hanna has compensated me for all that bad luck 100 times. Emotionally, I now feel the luckiest man in the world.

    God bless Hanna and God bless everyone on this site.


  13. #13
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    hi pete,
    glad i have the chance to tell you how my hubby was so proud of how smart you are (we havent married yet,soon to be married,i just call him hubby as i love to call him that way)anyway youre really so smart sure thing gina was so proud of terms of giving advice the member,
    For now i dont have any question yet so far just love to be in touch w/ the forum..extend my warmest regards to gina-
    --- juliet

  14. #14
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Thank you so much {Mariming salamat Po ! Maa'm) for all your comments, I am humbled by your kind words.

    Ingat Lagi...


  15. #15
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Go Kuya Pete, Go Kuya Pete..Go Kuya Pete...

  16. #16
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jedc143 View Post
    hi pete,
    ............youre really so smart sure thing gina was so proud of terms of giving advice the member,
    --- juliet
    I second the motion sis...Kuya Peter Maraming salamat po....Being realist commentor is a good help for us...and thank you for introducing some of your friends i guess i mentioned already to other thread maybe u dont make pansin Anyway I am so grateful reading your post here and being a member of this forum
    It's good also I'm with my BF here if i can't say many things to my BF i just forward your comments here so my BF got my point
    God Bless you and ate Gina

  17. #17
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    Right now my Ligaya is asleep with our five day old son, I always knew that she would be a great mum just as she has always been a great partner (tampo aside) and just watching her with our baby boy made me think how lucky he is going to be to have her undivided attention( a sacrifice I am happy to make) for the immediate future. I am indeed blessed to be with my mahal and we have now have a lovely child to share, nurture,protect and educate. If he gows up with Ligaya's temperament and half of her looks he is going to be a lady killer. I cannot wait to go through the daddy process again and my 18 yr old son in Cornwall is thrilled to bits as well, except he asked how old does the little dude have to be before he can put him on the nose of his surf board!!! after all he is an expert long board rider. I did that with him when he was three.
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  18. #18
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scott&ligaya View Post
    Right now my Ligaya is asleep with our five day old son, I always knew that she would be a great mum just as she has always been a great partner (tampo aside) and just watching her with our baby boy made me think how lucky he is going to be to have her undivided attention( a sacrifice I am happy to make) for the immediate future. I am indeed blessed to be with my mahal and we have now have a lovely child to share, nurture,protect and educate. If he gows up with Ligaya's temperament and half of her looks he is going to be a lady killer. I cannot wait to go through the daddy process again and my 18 yr old son in Cornwall is thrilled to bits as well, except he asked how old does the little dude have to be before he can put him on the nose of his surf board!!! after all he is an expert long board rider. I did that with him when he was three.
    God bless you all Scott. We are indeed the lucky ones.


  19. #19
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    i hope i am good enoughfor her

    Hi i was reading the posts here , i have been married twice before and the last one i nearly had my wedding ring finger surgically removed so i would not do it again, both the girls wre australian but in all fairness i was a proffesional soldier at that time as well which is never a good mix i have been on my own now for about 12 yeras with the occasional g/f but never was serious enough to marry , a fellow i know married a young girl from manilla about 23 years ago she has put up with a lot from him and supported them for years on her wage only they have a brand new home after she paid there last one off and i said to my father why cant i have a gem like that we could live like a king and queen and thats where i started , i pulled my head out of my butt and realized that if i dont find someone nice i will die a lonely old man , the woman i am engaged to arrives here next month after 1 year of red tape finnaly we can be a true couple we plan to get married soon after she gets here but i might just take her to the registry office so she dont get away hahahahah, all she has ever asked of me is that i love her and i have tried and will continue to try to treat her as my princess i dont earn a lot and she says she wants to work to help me , for someone who just wants me to love her this is not hard at alll she is softly spoken warm gentle and buetifull in my eyes , i dont know what it is like in your country but here anyone who marrus a fillippino is considered a loser well i am a loser am i am proud of it ,ha im no loser this girl is a gem and i know if i treat her well she will love me till they close the box on me and probbaly after as well jsut thought i would put my little coments in hope i dont upset anyone .

  20. #20
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  21. #21
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Maybe he still got carried away, Boss..Cheers...

  22. #22
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    Not sure, I haven't tried to put her on Ebay!!! disclaimer( I am joking honest no flaming please
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

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  23. #23
    Respected Member lizaphil's Avatar
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    hi ginapeterb

    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
    3 years of wonderful times and it doesnt get much better than this !

    After hearing of the tragic news regarding poor Jasmine Picket's death, and the kind words that David bestowed on his relationship with Jasmine, it kind of got me thinking about just how lucky I am, I know many of you reading this post, will find yourselves agreeing with me, in fact, I have yet to hear any of the British members on this forum, having ever said a bad word about their Filipino beauty.

    For those of you who have been married for some time, say over 2 years, I wondered just how your life has changed ? How has living with a woman of a far distant culture been for you ? what changes did you have to make, we all joke about the amazing things that happen when it comes to cultural differences, but I often wonder whether we sometimes fall into the rut of taking our wife for granted ?

    Hearing of Davids tragic news kind of sobered me up somewhat, although I was not lacking in that department, and always speak my mind when it comes to telling my girl what I think about her, (she normally laughs it off and says "Chikka" - sometimes you girls why can you not be serious and take compliments"). as I said, not lacking, but I did tell my girl, how lucky I thought I was, having someone who treats me the way she does.

    Speaking from my own personal situation, there is not a day goes by when I don't look forward to rushing home to be with my girl, I can remember a time in the past, when I used to dread coming home, sometimes I thought that was how life was !

    My girls, happy go lucky positive outlook on life has certainly peaked me up over the last 3 years, and nothing for her has ever been too much trouble, she looks after me like a King, thats one of the reasons I feel so lucky, I mentioned in another post, that Willie Revillame, the Wowowee main host on ABS CBN T.V. in QC said recently in a show that "The Filipino wife is the best in the world"

    Well they have to work pretty hard to get that title, but its true in my view, but then maybe I am just a little bit biased, in every way, my girl pleases me, and I am sure yours does too, (no lewd jokes you lot from up NORTH)

    I just thought we should give some credit where credit is due, I could not ask for a better wife, and I could not be more happier, and thats after 3 years, I hear guys saying this after they just got married, I know of ones who have been married to Filipina's for several years, and much longer than 3 years, and they still say it.

    Whats your experience, do you not all agree with me ?
    me and my hubby has been marriage last year april 08-2007
    so we are one year tomorrow
    yes we are happy together because my hubby is so nice to me

  24. #24
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizaphil View Post
    me and my hubby has been marriage last year april 08-2007
    so we are one year tomorrow
    yes we are happy together because my hubby is so nice to me
    Congrats always great to read good news I hope you have a great day the two of you

  25. #25
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    IF YOU WILL ASK MY HUSBAND IF HE HAS REGRET MARRYING HIS LITTLE WIFE, YES WILL SAY YES! He always says " I wish my I met my little wife 20 years ago! I said I will not make 2nd thought ! YOu were handsome that time, long hair, macho!
    I believe Filipina wives are great! and I believe that having British husband is such more great! I HAVE MY PEACE OF MIND ! Very faithful and loyal Want to add more?

  26. #26
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    IF YOU WILL ASK MY HUSBAND IF HE HAS REGRET MARRYING HIS LITTLE WIFE, YES WILL SAY YES! He always says " I wish my I met my little wife 20 years ago! I said I will not make 2nd thought ! YOu were handsome that time, long hair, macho!
    I believe Filipina wives are great! and I believe that having British husband is such more great! I HAVE MY PEACE OF MIND ! Very faithful and loyal Want to add more?
    Couldn't agree for more, Ate Penny..

    oh wait, they are family - oriented and LOVING...

  28. #28
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    hubby's at work... but tell you what, he values me enough to:

    - watch the whole series of sex & the city with me
    - to follow me around shopping when i want to shop
    - and to relinquish full control of the tv remote
    - and he eats ANYTHING i cook

    he makes me dizzy - giddy

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by rikyandnina View Post
    and to relinquish full control of the tv remote
    Something wrong with him....????

    I suffered for years for surrendering the tv remote to my ex and the kids.... being forced to watch the most boring and insipid rubbish....

    Now........... To get the remote off me, you will have to prise out of my dead fingers.... With a pneumatic road drill and industrial pliers....

  30. #30
    Respected Member alicat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    Something wrong with him....????

    I suffered for years for surrendering the tv remote to my ex and the kids.... being forced to watch the most boring and insipid rubbish....

    Now........... To get the remote off me, you will have to prise out of my dead fingers.... With a pneumatic road drill and industrial pliers....
    my hubby cant stand watching big brother
    but its one of my favorite(addicted),so he cant stop me watching it,
    i have the remote,his choice is go to the bedroom and use the small
    telly,i use the big one.(fair enough)

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