Quote Originally Posted by scott&ligaya View Post
Right now my Ligaya is asleep with our five day old son, I always knew that she would be a great mum just as she has always been a great partner (tampo aside) and just watching her with our baby boy made me think how lucky he is going to be to have her undivided attention( a sacrifice I am happy to make) for the immediate future. I am indeed blessed to be with my mahal and we have now have a lovely child to share, nurture,protect and educate. If he gows up with Ligaya's temperament and half of her looks he is going to be a lady killer. I cannot wait to go through the daddy process again and my 18 yr old son in Cornwall is thrilled to bits as well, except he asked how old does the little dude have to be before he can put him on the nose of his surf board!!! after all he is an expert long board rider. I did that with him when he was three.
God bless you all Scott. We are indeed the lucky ones.
