I was just wondering if Mrs A is worthy of her title, as she never seems tto be in the country.

I have enquired as to what she is doing to help her people have an easier life and catch up with the rest of Asia and have been told casually that she travelles a lot, she enjoys shopping in Singapore's Robinson Road and in New York the best and her favourite restaurants are in New York, Tokyo and Paris.

I have also heard that she enjoys hanging out with Bill Clinton and other has-been celebrities who probably don't know who she is, but instead of pestering famous people, shopping and eating in very expensive restaurants - has this greedy little fat woman done enough for her country to justify such a life of leisure?

I recently split up from my girlfriend after 13 months - we are both good people but together we simply don't work. She's one of the most loyal, decent, albeit conservative young women I have ever had the pleasure to know - unfortunately we are totally incompatible and she is not really qualified to do anything here in Thailand.

I have urged her to complete her studies and get enough 'points' to work abroard and I wish I could help her with this financially but I am struggling myself here in Bangkok.

It will break my heart if she ends up back in Hong Kong saving for college the only way she knows.

I am not surprised that many Pinoys want GA dead, not at all surprised - apparently Aquino was the best they have had, is this true?