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Thread: Is Gloria Arroyo a good leader?

  1. #31
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    well, to be honest, the only reason why we need a government is to look after the poor people.

    people who work hard, invest in themselves and their offspring dont need government, state handouts, or free healthcare.

    the governments 'job' is to be a robin hood & make the rich work harder, and stop the poor from turning the place into a sh1thole.

    Obviously corruption in any country screws up the first part of that equation, since the elite end up doing what the poor people are supposed to do - i.e. eff all. In the philippines there are obviously people who work hard, but there are plently of places where the poor haven't been stopped

  2. #32
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Who did I patronize Fred?

    Link/example please.
    I very much doubt those such as Kimmi will share my views, neither would any other Fillipina that is well off and living a comfortable life in the west.

    she wouldn't be the first Asian to have a lucky break, embrace the west and look down upon those of her countrymen/women that have not done the same.
    Now stop hijacking the thread further and answer the ******* question.
    Im sorry that your GF dumped you but stop taking it out on the girls here and be a man.

  3. #33
    Respected Member troubled's Avatar
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    I can assure you that if she'd dumped me I would have no further reason to post here, let alone defend her family who all work hard but due to a violent and alcoholic father made their life a misery and their education difficult.

    I have never, EVER, known a forum or a conversation to simply write off poor people as lazy - which is pretty much what you're doing.

    As for my comment to Kimmi - I'm sorry Fred but I was not being patronizing, I was assuming. Now would be a great opportunity to patronize you by defining what it is to assume but I also assume that you are a few years my senior so I won't, because I respect my elders - I'm old fashioned like that, I prefer Pinoys to Thais and I prefer the company of your age group to my own, I also play the accordion.

    Anyway, she and I have our up's and downs and she's a stubborn, difficult, bad tempered pain in the behind but the reason I stick with her is because she's has good old fashioned morals and is 100% trustworty despite having plenty of attention from wealthier, younger and better looking suitors. We're talking about a girl that rooted for Anthony Hopkins when he shot his unfaithful wife in that movie 'Fracture'.

    Best of all though, I don't have to ditch my female friends - here she is below with my best Thai friend and ex flame Noy (far left).

  4. #34
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Assumptions are very dangerous things. If I used it, I'd never make any money, I only use proven facts.
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  5. #35
    Respected Member troubled's Avatar
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    Here's where Gloria is staying now, it's apparently a SEVEN star hotel, I didn't know you could get more than five.

    Incedentally, she was not invited there as a guest nor is she paying from it out of her own pocket, the people are paying for it.

  6. #36
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  7. #37
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by troubled View Post
    My sentiments exactly - now how do i give you a green?

    Thanks Troubled
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    They are the ones who care about you, take care of you, those who, no matter what, stay close by... "

  8. #38
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Thanks for the suggestion Keith as I had no idea I could do this..
    Its like deleting a nightmare!! Cheers,

  9. #39
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Keith - Administrator

  10. #40
    Respected Member troubled's Avatar
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    No idea what the above two posts are about, or how to green itsme_eye, but I hope I have made my point.

    Most sucessful Pinoy's were born into it, or at the very least were middle class. There's one singer, can't think who it is - not Lea Salonga, anyway she came from nothing and is now a rich superstar and she is one of the few powerful people who have not forgotten the important things in life and she is loved for her sincerity - nobody wants her dead.

    Gloria is no better or worse than her predecessors (maybe not that nice Aquino guy) - but I have no gripe against them because they are dead and not in control. Arroyo IS in control and she is apparently touring the world (again) to encourage investors to the PI which should benefit the wealthy and probably a few construction workers if she succeeds and it isn't just an excuse to go hobnobbing again.

    I find it sad when Filipinos make comments such as 'Poor people have the choice not to be poor' - especially when it comes from Filipinos saying it because it confirms what somebody once told me about Pinoy's being different to Thai's in that they don't stick together so much and 'forget their own' once they have a ticket to a wealthier life. I do hope it isn't true, and I guess it's the king that glues the Thai's together - just a shame the Fils doesn't have somebody like him.

    Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want Arroyo shot. If it was in my power then I would wear one of those big yellow smiley face masks, get a dog - a labrador maybe - then get an IV machine (one of those blood transfusion pumps) and I'd hook Gloria up to it and the other end into to the dog, and then switch their blood - the dogs blood into Gloria and Gloria's blood into the dog. Whilst doing this I would play the Bobby McFerrin version of 'Don't Worry Be Happy'.

  11. #41
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by itsme_iye View Post
    Hi Sis Kimmi, i am not well versed about discussion on politics but just want to stress out one thing here. I think we don't have to know the characters being discussed personally because if that is required then there would be no debate allowed in school, in congress etc etc. Everyone can contribute their views based on their observations and on what they have read.
    but for me it is not an excuse for him to blame the President or shall I say other people with everything that happened with him and his EX gf, or even why she needs to go to other country..Granted that we dont have a good president or government but its their life I mean of course they can still make a way to have a better life and not always to depend on to the government or whatever or whoever..

    Quote Originally Posted by troubled View Post
    Well I've met a few Pinoy's in Bangkok, mostly in the 30 - 50 bracket, and they all despise GA.

    If she's that well loved then why do so many want to kill her?

    I very much doubt those such as Kimmi will share my views, neither would any other Fillipina that is well off and living a comfortable life in the west.

    I don't believe it is personal choice to continue to live in poverty - not that my gf's family do, they just struggle.

    If they were lazy or freeloaders then I'm sure they would have encouraged her to ditch me for one of the many young and wealthy suitors she had.

    Nothing personal against Kimmi - she wouldn't be the first Asian to have a lucky break, embrace the west and look down upon those of her countrymen/women that have not done the same.
    and for u..I hope u will be a man, and learn to accept that we are the one who's responsible for all our actions..and dont tend to blame other people for all ur TROUBLES...

    I havent PERSONALLY replied to u right away coz I havent been online these days and I am surprised with ur post here..anyway, dont worry I hope and pray that God will give u courage and enough strenght to help u face all ur TROUBLES..

    Goodluck..and I hope u learn to see the bright side of life so at least TROUBLES in life go away on u..

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by troubled View Post

    Gloria is no better or worse than her predecessors (maybe not that nice Aquino guy) - but I have no gripe against them because they are dead and not in control. Arroyo IS in control and she is apparently touring the world (again) to encourage investors to the PI which should benefit the wealthy and probably a few construction workers if she succeeds and it isn't just an excuse to go hobnobbing again.
    Here we go again, Gloria this, Gloria that.

    From your ranting and raving about Glo, I bet you actually fancy her really.

  13. #43
    Respected Member troubled's Avatar
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    England is also crap - should we blame the people for that or do we have a leader to take the rap?

    Anyway, Kimmi, I'm in a good mood today as I have heard the best song to be made in years, I bet you will love it - it's called New Soul and it's by Yael Naim, and if it can make me happy then that has to count for something.

  14. #44
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by troubled View Post
    England is also crap - should we blame the people for that or do we have a leader to take the rap?

    Anyway, Kimmi, I'm in a good mood today as I have heard the best song to be made in years, I bet you will love it - it's called New Soul and it's by Yael Naim, and if it can make me happy then that has to count for something.
    u have all the rights to say that -PHILIPPINES or even ENGLAND is a crap, our PRESIDENT or whoever in ur government but I dont think its proper that u will blame them for all the misfortune or troubled that u and ur ex gf is experiencing, if its all full loads of crap then why don't u make a move to change it??or rather start with ur self first...what do u think???

    and oh btw, I am glad that finally I heard that ur in a good mood today, I thought u already forget how to have one so at least u know now that listening to music can help u a lot so why dont u always listen to ur songs???

  15. #45
    Respected Member troubled's Avatar
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    ^ It was not a personal attack Kimmi, England and the Phils are not exactly the most desirable places to live, whoever's fault that is.

    Sad but true - though Pinoy's are generally friendlier and less spoiled than the English and not quite as obsessed with celebrity lifestyles.

    Anyway, I will clarify again that the gf and I are fine - though she won't be arriving here in Bangkok until next week so we'll miss Valentines Day this year.

    Happy Valentines to you and your lucky man, and if you are single then go hear that song I told you about. If you don't like it I will eat my hat.

  16. #46
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    Hello there Troubled... Im sure you know that every relationship is like a rollercoaster, theres always ups and downs. And its funny how you took a blame about your broken relationships with your gf to Mrs. Arroyo.

    Its not Mrs. President's fault if some of the families in the Philippines are being poor or struggling. Majority of the people in there who always moaned about the gov't are below average.
    I wonder why?
    Well they are just lazy, all they have to do are making babies. Imagine 6 or more kids in the family? And they have the guts to complained that a sack of rice is not enough to feed to their family..well why don't they work their a$$ off then and do something good to survive. And some of these parents are relying on their kids to work while they just sat at home or you can see them in their neighbours having a beer and minding other people's business.

    Anyway... its good to hear that you are fine with your gf now, so next time you fall out.
    Who you gonna blame next?
    The first gentleman? LOL
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  17. #47
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Very well said ERVE!!

    I hope the next time HE wont blame me he he

  18. #48
    Respected Member troubled's Avatar
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    My rant against GA never had anything to do with the status of my relationship.

    The state of the Philippines does not depend on my relationship with my woman.

    Anyway, Kimmi - do you not have Limewire on your computer?

  19. #49
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    oh dont tell me u gonna rant also with Limewire, huh????

  20. #50
    Respected Member troubled's Avatar
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    ^ Now who's ranting?

    It's a simple question Kimmi - perhaps you are afraid you will like the song I recommended which you may see as some kind of defeat if you see me as some kind of enemy.

    I'm just spreading the joy, I know Pinoy's are musical and I know this song will be loved... She sounds like a cross between Norah Jones and Amy Grant.

  21. #51
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    oh thanks but no thanks..I dont think I will loved that song and yes u are right i am afraid that if I heard that I may be like u always in TROUBLE..

    and btw, I hope this time it works out with u and ur EX..

  22. #52
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ervenescence View Post
    Hello there Troubled... Im sure you know that every relationship is like a rollercoaster, theres always ups and downs. And its funny how you took a blame about your broken relationships with your gf to Mrs. Arroyo.

    Its not Mrs. President's fault if some of the families in the Philippines are being poor or struggling. Majority of the people in there who always moaned about the gov't are below average.
    I wonder why?
    Well they are just lazy, all they have to do are making babies. Imagine 6 or more kids in the family? And they have the guts to complained that a sack of rice is not enough to feed to their family..well why don't they work their a$$ off then and do something good to survive. And some of these parents are relying on their kids to work while they just sat at home or you can see them in their neighbours having a beer and minding other people's business.

    Anyway... its good to hear that you are fine with your gf now, so next time you fall out.
    Who you gonna blame next?
    The first gentleman? LOL
    Well put Evre and same can be said in many countries its never black and white. Many complain but not all try and do something about it. But i do have sympathy for a lot of hard working souls in phill and elsewhere who just never get the break they deserve.

  23. #53
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baboyako View Post
    well, to be honest, the only reason why we need a government is to look after the poor people.

    people who work hard, invest in themselves and their offspring dont need government, state handouts, or free healthcare.

    the governments 'job' is to be a robin hood & make the rich work harder, and stop the poor from turning the place into a sh1thole.

    Obviously corruption in any country screws up the first part of that equation, since the elite end up doing what the poor people are supposed to do - i.e. eff all. In the philippines there are obviously people who work hard, but there are plently of places where the poor haven't been stopped

    Well goverments run and deal with the infrastructure, the enviroment and national defence for the nations intrests for a starters. I'd rather have that than go back to the days of no central adminstration and all those rich people would have to fear the modern day version of the Vikings

  24. #54
    Respected Member troubled's Avatar
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    If you can't beat 'em - join em.

  25. #55
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    I want answer

    I want to answer some of the things that have been said on this post, but it's to long and to complicated, so many factors to be taken into consideration that there is no straightforward answer, for me I feel for the ordinary filipino just as I do for anyone who is banging their head against a brick wall trying to improve their life, but I thank god I am not heading up any government as it appears to be a thankless job and in the Phils is not even that well paid when you think of the risk to the presidents life, whether she does a good job or not someone will want her out.

  26. #56
    Respected Member troubled's Avatar
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    ^ Well said - a mature and impartial reply.

  27. #57
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    It doesn't matter who is in power. Because power corrupts even the most idealistic of people.

    The success of staying in power is based on NOT getting caught in doing something wrong.

    Arroyo is no better or worse than any other leader at her job. If she goes globetrotting around the world drumming up business for her country, I don't see anything wrong with that. If she stays at a 7* hotel, I don't care, she has an image to uphold according to her status as president of a sovereign country.
    So far, in my opinion, she has been the most effective leader that the Philippines ever had since Lapu-Lapu.
    In the few years she has brought stability and recognition within the ASEAN area. And lots of foreign investment.
    If you don't believe me, you only need to check and compare between the rate of exchange of today and 4 years ago.. The peso is getting stronger.....

    But then again I am dreaming.........

  28. #58
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  29. #59
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    before about a year ago,i like her as i said she is hardworking president i have ever known,she do visit the worse place in manila..i post this comment of mine not to the reason i'm against her,coz you're not here in PI,just wanted to update you guys,but i certainly agree to ervenescence cause i always blame them when i watched on tv complaining about their life silly huh asked how many kids they have 6,7 gosh update for today even the cbcp (catholic bishop ) are having a meeting w/ regards of gloria to resigned from work,yeah youre right aromulos really peso are so strong by now but we cant feel it,not even a single things here are goes in low price,instead go more high price,so whats the use of peso stronger (nothing at all) and besides many overseas workers are affected on it,who are those people in blessed cause of peso getting stronger ?...and the worse thing she don't care (Gloria) even she knows many Filipino doesn't like her at all,she had interviewed yesterday and she said "I'm the president no more no less" (meaning no one can do anything to kick her from her position she will fight for it,lol) and corruption is really doing face to face obviously from witness of speaker de venecia and lozada and many more

    lastly,i didn't do this post just because i don't like her....that is not the reason at all..first to update you guys who's not here in PI,second not the right time for her to resigned though ,who will be replace on her position ?Noli de castro

  30. #60
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    I may not be physically present in the Philippines right now but I am still updated everyday of the news about the politics and government there..

    Marcos,Aquino,Ramos,Estrada...Arroyo...all of them has their bad and good part when they have served their countrymen in one way or another..

    Given that we have a bad government or President rather but I dont think it's right that we will blame them for what's happening on us..

    Have u tried to ask urself, as a person what u have done to improve ur life??and even for a day stop blaming other people??

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