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Thread: Is Gloria Arroyo a good leader?

  1. #91
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Im sure all the people who had cheaper sugar were grateful.
    i'm sure the money the big international companies saved by paying workers 10php a week was not passed on to the consumer, but the money was given to share holders and big bonuses to the members of the board..

  2. #92
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i'm sure the money the big international companies saved by paying workers 10php a week was not passed on to the consumer, but the money was given to share holders and big bonuses to the members of the board..
    Well many farmers even in the UK say the food wholesalers and supermarkets push prices down so far that they cant afford to produce it at that price. Im sure thats the reason all around the world.
    Profits and keeping prices low, so low if you think about it how can it be producded so cheaply even with mass prodction etc. If the consumer says hang on treat people fairly it has an impact, what the consumer wants they get.

    Thats part of the reason Fairtrade is a good idea ensuring people further down the line get a fair price for goods they produce.

  3. #93
    Respected Member patti1227's Avatar
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    I feel I have a say on this…

    Few months before School Year 2007, a government program was created to encourage young Filipino children to pursue their studies and attend school every day. The program was supposed to be beneficial to Elementary students in public schools and it was implemented at selected provinces especially on remote areas where education rate is low. Each day Filipino children be present at school, each student receives two kilos of rice and 2-3 packs of instant noodles. First few months of the program went very well not until a number of greedy individual people stole the government program from the Filipino children and their families. President Arroyo asked her people to conduct an investigation regarding the matter but it seems there were “big people” involved on the issue so no clear report had been made known to the public. Is Pres. Gloria Arroyo a good leader?

    Every Barangay has a Health Center and most of the medicines are free for its people. Again, there are number of “business minded” individuals who, instead of providing free medical service and medicine, are making profit for themselves out of the free medicines provided by the government. Is Pres. Gloria Arroyo a good leader?

    Too many great and valuable government programs yet too many greedy Filipino individuals lurking freely into the government projects turning them into their “instant businesses”. Is Pres. Gloria Arroyo a good leader?

    Technical trainings being offered for free by the government to different provinces but some organization members are making a priority list for their relatives and friends to avail free trainings before allowing the public people to know about the program. Is Pres. Gloria Arroyo a good leader?

    Honestly, it differ on the beliefs of Filipinos how they see, accept, reacts and honors Pres. Gloria Arroyo’s immense effort of providing good programs for Filipinos especially the less privilege to make their life improve and it is now up to every single Filipino inside and outside our country to help our own self and our family in having a good life every single person on this earth dream for. Not to forget how we can genuinely help our country improve what needs to be improve so we can look at our country as if not the best a nice country to live in no matter how we and other people view our President…

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