I appreciate many people support paying public workers (and others) more but where would the money come from? (The tax payers of course).

It appears from media reports many people would be in favour of paying more income tax to fund the increases but I suspect most of them are not those who would be most affect i.e. those who are already making the biggest tax payments to support UK.

So an east way out: Set up a public administered fund which people could freely contribute to which would be used exclusively to top-up public service workers pay. That way, those who want to pay more can choose to do so. Leaving people like me, who live outside UK but who must pay tax on their pension in UK (£2,700) but get no benefit, not even a vote, and those who already contribute the lion's share, off the hook.

PS I suspect some might want to add lots of other groups to those who should get more money, unemployed, minimum wage earners, long term sick, physically and mentally handicapped, those on other state benefits, free further education for all, etc. etc. so maybe the voluntary contributions would need to be very generous !