Looks like Duterte can't get to grips with the Marawi crisis. Now he says it can take up to a year. What he is failing to realise is the longer it goes on the harder it is to quash, given its geography. Mindanao is an Islamic hop-skip-and-jump from the largest population Islamic nation on the face of the planet. I have made the backdoor trip from Sabah to Pinas. If it was easy for me, how much more so for Islamic fighters from Malaysia and Indonesia

Legislators in the Philippines have voted overwhelmingly to extend martial law to deal with an Islamist insurgency in the restive island of Mindanao.
Militants linked to so-called Islamic State have been occupying parts of Marawi, a city in the south, since May.
President Rodrigo Duterte said the extension was necessary to crush the insurgency, but his critics say it is part of a wider power grab.
Mindanao is home to a number of Muslim rebel groups seeking more autonomy.
Martial law allows the use of the military to enforce law and the detention of people without charge for long periods.
It is a sensitive issue in the Philippines, where martial law was imposed by the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos for much of his rule.
A previously imposed 60-day martial rule was due to expire on Saturday. It went into effect on 23 May, just hours after deadly clashes between the army and gunmen linked to so-called Islamic State.
The extension means the law will now remain in force until 31 December.
In May, President Duterte warned that martial law could be extended across the Philippines after insurgents killed police officers in Marawi.
Duterte eyes nationwide martial law
Duterte: The 'strongman' of the Philippines
Some opposition lawmakers questioned why it should be applied to the whole of the southern island, instead of just the city.
"I fear that the plan to extend the martial law in Mindanao will pave the way for a Philippines-wide martial law," Senator Risa Hontiveros was quoted by AFP as saying.
Another senator, Franklin Drilon, said the extension was too long, while congressman Edcel Lagman said there was "no factual basis" for it.
A dozen protesters also interrupted proceedings at Saturday's hearing, chanting "never again to martial law", the news agency reports.
Army chief of staff General Eduardo Ano said it was necessary to restrict the movement of the Islamist militants, warning that the ongoing rebellion could spread to other cities on the island, the GMA News website reports.
He described it as a "Mosul-type, hybrid urban warfare", referring to fighting in the Iraqi city that was until recently held by IS.
Security officials addressing congress ahead of the vote said the law was required to stabilise the region, where supporters of IS may be inspired to stage similar uprisings in other areas of Mindanao.
They said only about 60 gunmen were left in a 49-hectare area of Marawi, but nearly 1,000 pro-IS militants were active elsewhere in the south, holding 23 hostages.
Marawi was home to 200,000 residents but many have fled the violence. There are fears for those trapped who face a lack of food and water.
More than 420 militants, 100 soldiers and 45 civilians have been killed in the fighting.
Clashes began when the army failed in its attempt to capture Isnilon Hapilon, believed to be the main IS leader in the Philippines and linked to the local Maute group, which has declared allegiance to IS.
In response the Maute group attacked parts of the city, taking hostages.

Who are the Maute group? - BBC Monitoring
Also known as IS Ranao, the group is based in Mindanao's Lanao del Sur province
Formed in 2012 by Abdullah Maute (aka Abu Hasan) and his brother Omar
Ranks are believed to comprise a few hundred fighters, mostly from other armed Islamist groups
The group's first known encounter with the military came in 2013, when it attacked a security checkpoint in Mindanao
Pledged allegiance to IS in 2015
In February 2016, troops overran the group's Butig headquarters, killing around 40 rebels
The group has also been linked with Isnilon Hapilon, a prominent figure in the Abu Sayyaf militant group
