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  1. #1
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    Hi all, from sunny Boracay..Rob and Elsa just checking if you guys are suffering the cold and wet while we're here in Boracay :lol:

    The story so far then, we arrived HK on Oct 25th on KLM - well recommended and even better they have the on-line check in, so we picked the exit rows with plenty of legroom.
    We spent 3 nights in HK, visited Ocean Park, Lantau Island & Big Buddha, shopping and more shopping, took the escalator up to Mid Levels, the Peak, Star Ferry and lots of yummy chinese food with chopsticks ooer..

    Then it was onto to sunny Manila - we were there 1 night (at the Makati Palace) then onto to Tacloban. We intended to stay at the Leyte Park Hotel, however, upon checking-in at that place we immediatley checked out again, it was DISGUSTING - more about that on my return, so instead it was our fave - Alejandros. We visited Sohoton Caves, Dulag, Tanaun and surronding area. We ate at Guiseppes Italian and Stephanies - which Gerry (GM47) recommended.

    Onto Day 3, we returned to Manila fully intending to stay there for a day or two while Elsa sorts out some "beezness" but instead we thought, sod it, lets go Boracay, so it was out of arrivals and back in again to get Asian Spirit to Cacitlan. We didnt get a chance to book a place at Casa Pilar, Pete, as it was all last minute, so instead we got The Blue Mango Blue Mango Hotel on the west side of Boracay Beach. This place really is paradise, its just so beautiful. We've been here just 1 day, but so far we've done the banana boat (and fallen off big style) got a day boat trip arond the island to include fish feeding!, the Crystal Caves and generally admiring the beauty of this lovely island. I'm thoroughly sunburnt, Elsa has a shoulder injury, but what the hell, its paradise.

    We're flying back to Manila on 5th, staying for 3 days whilst Elsa sorts out some "beezness" (don't ask me!&#33 then its back to Hong Kong on 8th, finally catching KLM to Cardff via Amsterdam on 11th November back to the cold and wet, and I'm sure we'll have many more stories to tell.

    See ya later amigos..Heres a pic of Blue Mango....

  2. #2
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Rob and Elsa,

    Great to hear from you, and thanks for sharing your report with us, Gina and I are glad you had a great time in Honkers again, so you managed to get out to Lantau and do the Giant Buddha, (the steps are a killer, did you go up Rob ??), I hope the view from the Peak was clear for you Rob, tell us about the hotel in Leyte when you get back, dying to hear your report on that one, although it sounds like the Bacolod Regency Plaza, hehehehehe, glad to hear you in Boracay, now you know why we like it so much, right now, I am hating you so much Rob, as the weather here is murky, darky, and sh....ty, so dont come back hehehe, today I was near Heathrow on a call, and it was down, and most cars had on their lights, and by the way Rob, Blunkett has resigned again,...just thought you would like to know, glad you went out to Crystal Caves, Rob ask the boat guys to take you to Crocodile Island and go swimming off there, hope you like..tell us all about the Blue Mango when you get back, I saw it, but have never stayed there, at least you got fixed up, you are having a great time, and well deserved Rob, we miss you back here, looking forward to your reports, tell us about the Makati Palace when you get back as I never stayed there, I normally stay at the Great Eastern Aberdeen Court, on Makati Ave, we look forward to seeing you back in UK on the 11th Rob, as Gina and I will be coming to the Valleys to see you soon boyo...bahhhh bahhhh....enjoy it...lucky git hehehehehehhee bye bye....Pete and Gina

  3. #3
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    Do I note a sly sheep comment in there Pete?

    Wondered where you'd gone, as we had a letter off the Welsh Assembly today;
    "Dear Sir,

    We understand you know a chap called WalesRob? Would you know his present whereabouts as it is a matter of urgency that we get hold of him. The sheep on the West coast are feeling lonely, and many have started jumping from the local cliffs.

    A reward of 3 chickens, 2 turtle doves, and a partridge in a Welsh hill are on offer!"

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  4. #4
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Do I note a sly sheep comment in there Pete?

    yes Keith Baaaaaah Baaaaaaaaah Baaaaaaaah hehehehehehe, we have an invitation to see Rob and Elsa in that in UK ???

  5. #5
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    Sort of, I hear the visa process to get there is hell :lol:

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  6. #6
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    Originally posted by admin@Nov 4 2005, 10:20 AM
    Sort of, I hear the visa process to get there is hell :lol:
    Keith you are such a scream :P

    Well guys, were now in sunny Manila, staying at Makati Palace hotel and I'm just wasting some time now waiting for Cebu Pacific to send us back home (!!&#33 to Hong Kong :lol:

    I went to our Embassy today to get my payslips back, as I needed them for my erm, accountant (I used the orginals when I should'nt have had during the visa application in February). Attempt number one at entering the Embassy was quite easy, bar the bit where I was asked do I wish to apply for a visa (HARDLY!!!&#33. Oscar wasn't there Pete, instead I had this young lady who insisted I show my and Elsas passport before accessing any information....OK so, back to hotel, get passports, back to Embassy. Attempt number 2 ...Now she says but sir you need to put your request in writing!!!!!!! Somehow I get the impression our Embassy are working against us, not for us, and anyone who dares approach them in person is wasting their precious time.

    Anyway, we've not done much in Manila apart from shopping, sorting out Elsas "beezness" and avoiding the peso mister street kids. Oh yeah, and theres Trainers Man who is hassling me daily to buy trainers, so I turn it into a comedy routine - say things like "Oh god not you again", "you don't give up do you", and even some choice swear words in Welsh and Italian. Elsa has a great way of dealing with these idiots - she shouts at them in Chinese and it works :lol:

    Ok boyos, gotta go back to hotel, no doubt to be hassled again by trainers man and peso mister kids, I'll write a full report on my return ok uk.

    Keith, tell the Welsh Assembly I am fine, and the sheep can rest in peace - I will be home soon :lol: :lol: :lol:

  7. #7
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    went to our Embassy today to get my payslips back, as I needed them for my erm, accountant (I used the orginals when I should'nt have had during the visa application in February). Attempt number one at entering the Embassy was quite easy, bar the bit where I was asked do I wish to apply for a visa (HARDLY!!!&#33. Oscar wasn't there Pete, instead I had this young lady who insisted I show my and Elsas passport before accessing any information....OK so, back to hotel, get passports, back to Embassy. Attempt number 2 ...Now she says but sir you need to put your request in writing!!!!!!! Somehow I get the impression our Embassy are working against us, not for us, and anyone who dares approach them in person is wasting their precious time.
    Hey Rob its great to hear from you once again, glad you had a great time on Boracay, and its back to Metro Manila once again for you di ba ? well, SSDD at the Embassy as usual, (Same **** different day), no Oscar, oh geeeze, at least you managed to side step a few land mines to get up there, and now you have to put your request in writing, you should have said when asked "Would you like to apply for a visa to go to UK" you should have said "What would I want that for - to go to a country with 6400 speed cameras of which 2500 of them are mobile ones, why the hell would I want to go to Rip of Britain !! I am just here to tend my ducks !!! heheheheheehheeheh

    Words to that effect, got a joke for you Rob !!!

    Ok here goes, why are the PNP so smart and dont look for a British man at the British Embassy ??

    Cos they know its the last place he would go....

    whats the difference between the British Embassy Visa Section and a Makati Public toilet ?? thats if you can find one.

    You can flush a makati toilet !!

    Ok Rob great to hear from you, see you back in Honkers soon, bet you are ready for the change in scenery, have a good last few days in HK.

    See you back in UK soon .

  8. #8
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    Hello Rob and Elsa,

    i'm glad you're having fun.

    I leave France tonight on 23.30 ferry, arrive UK 7am on the 9th.
    Plan to get a flight to HK the same day if possible, so with a little luck, we might bump into each other floating around the airport...

    Would be nice to meet up, even if just to say a quick hello, handshake and bon voyage.

    You'll be heading back to sunny Wales, while i'll be heading south to meet up with Ecxy.

    Ignor all the mutton jokes from your ''friends of the forum''.... they're just fleecing you of your current position and trying to make you feel a little sheepish cos your from another part of UK. All will be fine once you get BAAAAHHCK from your trip.
    There's enough rain to help grow the mint for next years sauce...

    Take care, safe journey and hope to meet up in HK if possible.

  9. #9
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    OY!! Stop picking on poor wickle Rob...........Did you know that as a Londonner, Pete sing 'My old mans a dustman' in his sleep? Gina told me so :lol:

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  10. #10
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    not to worry, i keep singing 'roll out the barrel' and 'knees up mother brown'....

    but then i'm a strnge mix.... born in plymouth, grew near london....

    ho hum.

    well, update, i'm on 9.30 flight to hk tomorrow 10th. virgin £444.00 return. got plenty of time too.... ticket expires in six months time.

  11. #11
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Gary@Nov 9 2005, 11:37 AM
    not to worry, i keep singing 'roll out the barrel' and 'knees up mother brown'....

    but then i'm a strnge mix.... born in plymouth, grew near london....

    ho hum.

    well, update, i'm on 9.30 flight to hk tomorrow 10th. virgin £444.00 return. got plenty of time too.... ticket expires in six months time.

    Bon Voyage Gary, and tell us all about it...from wherever you end up, take this weather with you....and dont bring it back...

    Best of Luck

    Pete and Gina

  12. #12
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    thanks peter and gina,

    jhust having last email chat with ecxy before my flight tonight.

    arribve HK 17.15 tomorrow.

    i'll try to drag some ofd the weather with me.

    laters all.....

  13. #13
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    Well guys,

    here we are both back in the UK. My is it cold, but it seems we brought the sun with is...

    Anyway here goes with the full trip report...

    Departing Cardiff on 25/10 with KLM Cityhopper on a ickle Fokker100, then changed planes in Amersterdam for a 747Combi to Hong Kong. Arrived Chep Lap Kok on a bright sunny morning next day at 10am, and got the bus to Metropole Hotel on the Waterloo Road in Mong Kok. I love the smooth efficent way the whole transport system works in HK - you can de-plane and be in your hotel within 30 minutes.

    We spent 3 days in HK visiting Ocean Park, The Peak, riding the Star Ferry, Big Buddha (and we climbed the steps with ease&#33 street markets in Mong Kok and general sightseeing. If your visiting HK next year, the new Lantau cabel car will be open meaning you can get from Tung Chung to the Big Buddha in a very short time unlike the current slow bus service.

    Then it was a Cebu Pacific 757 to Manila where we stayed 1 night at Makati Palace. Now at this point I have a rant about "baggage label inspectors". These species of officials can be found at only Philippines airports, and are a HUGE PAIN IN THE ****. Pete you did mention these pointless beings in a previous post, but for those who dont know, on arrival in Manila or any other airport only in the Phils, you are required to present your baggage label, normally attached to your air ticket before you leave the airport, just in case you pick up the wrong luggage :lol: :lol: (so lets see I'll be stuck with same suitcase for 2 weeks I'm hardly gonna forget what it looks like).

    Anyway back to Makati Palace Makati Palace Hotel one night, only P2700 with buffet breakfast for an exec. room. The hotel is massive, so we turned up without booking as we'd figure there would be plenty of rooms available. Oh, another rant this time at the taxi driver who took us from airport to hotel claiming we shouldn't got to Makati Palace as it was full up and we should go elsewhere As if a taxi driver in Manila has intimate knowledge of the state of bookings at Makati Palace.

    Anyway, next day, it was Cebu Pacific again on one of the new A319's to Tacloban. Arrived at the airport mid-afternoon to the usual laughable massive scrum to retrieve the suitcases and our friendly baggage label inspectors. Got taxi to Leyte Park hotel, intending to stay 3 days (P2500 nightly). Now, Leyte Park hotel is billed as the best on Leyte, and is essentially a beach resort. However it had clearly seen better days and I managed to get some shots of the room before we made a quick exit!! I'll try to get them uploaded soon, but the "patio" came complete with fag butts,loose wires, and black garden funiture that was white in a previous life. The bathroom for this "5 star" luxury resort" had multiple chipped tiles and grease running across the bath and best of all, the welcome guide to the hotel was dated 1996....Oh, the bed was softer than cotton wool and hit the floor when sat upon. And the smell of stagnant water....urghhhhh!!

    As you can understand we checked out after 20 minutes and went to Alejandros Hotel (P1500 and 10% discount if paying cash&#33 in Paterno Street. During our 3 day stay, we visited Elsas parents, went to Sohoton Caves on Western Samar, Dulag and Hill120 where the Americans re-landed to take Phils back from the Japs in WW2, Blue Bay, San Jaunico Bridge and enjoying our time away from the smoke and traffic of Manila.

    So after 3 days, its was Cebu Pacific again back to Manila. Then on arrival at Domestic airport after passing the dreaded baggage label inspectors, instead of turning left for a taxi for downtown, we turned right to the airline offices and headed first for SEAIR (no seats available), then Asian Spirit to Cacticlan, and then 3 days in Boracay, story as above. Pete we did visit Crocodile Island, but damnit, there were no crocs!!!

    We had to leave the paradise of Boracay to return on the Asian Spirit Dash7 to Manila, where we stayed 3 days, shopping, sightseeing, etc etc.

    Then it was back to HK on Cebu Pacific 757 where we stayed at Stanford Hotel in Soy Street. Stanford where I caught gastro-something and was in bed for the whole 3 days we were there - managed to drag myself out of bed to buy some computer gear in nearby Mong Kok and Sham Sui Po, this included a new lappy for just £300. Day before we were due to fly, we called Dr, and he gave go ahead for flight back to UK while telling me to take 7 types of pills!! I still have them now - 7 packets with pink ones, yellow ones, white ones, blimey! The KLM flight back to Amsterdam was uneventful, leaving 30 min late but arriving on time. Just a short time at the Schipol before the connecting flight back to Cardiff on the little Fokker again, and bingo here we are back in Wales. I'll be posting some pictures on our website soon from our trip as well as adding some links for Blue Mango Inn in Boracacay and Alejandros.

  14. #14
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    Originally posted by walesrob@Nov 13 2005, 01:21 PM

    Now at this point I have a rant about "baggage label inspectors". These species of officials can be found at only Philippines airports, and are a HUGE PAIN IN THE ****. Pete you did mention these pointless beings in a previous post, but for those who dont know, on arrival in Manila or any other airport only in the Phils, you are required to present your baggage label, normally attached to your air ticket before you leave the airport, just in case you pick up the wrong luggage :lol: :lol: (so lets see I'll be stuck with same suitcase for 2 weeks I'm hardly gonna forget what it looks like). ........................

    Oh, another rant this time at the taxi driver who took us from airport to hotel claiming we shouldn't got to Makati Palace as it was full up and we should go elsewhere As if a taxi driver in Manila has intimate knowledge of the state of bookings at Makati Palace.

    I must admit I used to frown at the baggage ticket checkers, but having seen a burly looking Filipina offloading any baggage she felt like then trying to walk out the door with a veritable trolley load of other peoples bags, then seeing her get her ass dragged out into a police car because she didn't have the correct tickets, I'm a little more confident that they need to be there :huh: Anything goes in Manila airport, given the chance.

    That taxi driver you had knows jack about the Makati Palace, but he does know that if he takes you to Mabini Scumbucket Mega Hotel he'll get 300 pesos commission off the management there I've seen it in every major city I've been to over the years.

    Sounds like you had a great time though. Just wish I could afford to take my tribe out there this year. Still, the mom in law, hopefully, will be over to stay with us soon, so that'll give the wife something to ocupy herself with.

    And then she can go out and work and EARN LOADSA MONEY

  15. #15
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    Really glad you enjoyed yourselves over here...

    Yes, i'm in Davao right now... i made it. exhausting trip though.

    12 hrs to Hong Kong, then got another flight to Manila at 21.05. I nearly missed the flight. Was given the wrong time adjustment by some joker.

    Got to Manila 23.00(ish). had to wait at the airport until 3am to check in for 5am fl;ight to Davao.


    Ecxy was lost for words when we finally met outside airport.
    Never forget that expression on her face.

    Got ripped off of 100P by taxi driver....swine... but hey, when diesel here is 32 GBpence a litre... and my hotel room is 4.21GBp a night...who cares...

    Yes, 400 pesos a night. Pay by the day. got 100 channel tv, hot shower, dining table, double bed ( very handy that)... Restaurant is just on the next floor up and can have deliveries. Laundrette in hotel too.

    If anyone ever needs it, it's called the BS Inn... and before anyone makes any comments on what the BS stands for...well...!!!

    i thought it was a load of BS when Ecxy told me the hotel and the price i was paying when we met... but I'm thankful for her help in finding me somewhere to stay.

    I'll get the street addres later... been too busy doing other things to even worry bout the name of places...

    The one thing that has truly amazed me so far is the way that nobody drives around like their butt is on fire... total care and consideration everywhere at all times even if it does look like no-one knws what they are doing...

    And yes patience seems to be a great thing here too... which is a great bonus for me as i'm used to having to wait for everything. After living in France and having to wait three days for phone and electric to get connected, waiting in line to pay for something is no problem.

    which reminds me... must sort out my water bill in France.. ho-hum...

    just had my breakfast... beef, two fried eggs, egg fried rice, cup of coffee and a banana... YUMMY.

    it's 8.30am and it's real warm outside. working up a good sweat just walking to net cafe.

    thats' all for the moment...take care all.

  16. #16
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    Originally posted by Gary@Nov 15 2005, 01:41 AM
    Really glad you enjoyed yourselves over here...

    just had my breakfast... beef, two fried eggs, egg fried rice, cup of coffee and a banana... YUMMY.

    it's 8.30am and it's real warm outside. working up a good sweat just walking to net cafe.

    thats' all for the moment...take care all.
    Now I'm feeling homesick again for the place I lived for ten years or so. You just don't realise how good some things are until they're gone :( :( :unsure:

    The constant warm sun, the inexpensive lifestyle, the un-rushedness of everything, the Jeepneys that cost just 3 pence to go a few miles, the 300 pesos slap up meals, the sun, the sun, the warm sun, the blue skies, the happy chatter of Filipinas, the pandesal early in the morning, riding my bike down dusty roads in the bright early morning sun........ Wahhh, I wanna go back, I gotta go back, why the hell did we move to England????? :o :(

  17. #17
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Gary@Nov 15 2005, 12:41 AM
    Really glad you enjoyed yourselves over here...

    Yes, i'm in Davao right now... i made it. exhausting trip though.

    12 hrs to Hong Kong, then got another flight to Manila at 21.05. I nearly missed the flight. Was given the wrong time adjustment by some joker.

    Got to Manila 23.00(ish). had to wait at the airport until 3am to check in for 5am fl;ight to Davao.


    Ecxy was lost for words when we finally met outside airport.
    Never forget that expression on her face.

    Got ripped off of 100P by taxi driver....swine... but hey, when diesel here is 32 GBpence a litre... and my hotel room is 4.21GBp a night...who cares...

    Yes, 400 pesos a night. Pay by the day. got 100 channel tv, hot shower, dining table, double bed ( very handy that)... Restaurant is just on the next floor up and can have deliveries. Laundrette in hotel too.

    If anyone ever needs it, it's called the BS Inn... and before anyone makes any comments on what the BS stands for...well...!!!

    i thought it was a load of BS when Ecxy told me the hotel and the price i was paying when we met... but I'm thankful for her help in finding me somewhere to stay.

    I'll get the street addres later... been too busy doing other things to even worry bout the name of places...

    The one thing that has truly amazed me so far is the way that nobody drives around like their butt is on fire... total care and consideration everywhere at all times even if it does look like no-one knws what they are doing...

    And yes patience seems to be a great thing here too... which is a great bonus for me as i'm used to having to wait for everything. After living in France and having to wait three days for phone and electric to get connected, waiting in line to pay for something is no problem.

    which reminds me... must sort out my water bill in France.. ho-hum...

    just had my breakfast... beef, two fried eggs, egg fried rice, cup of coffee and a banana... YUMMY.

    it's 8.30am and it's real warm outside. working up a good sweat just walking to net cafe.

    thats' all for the moment...take care all.
    Git !!!!!

  18. #18
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    PAUL!!!! Sit down.....breaaaaaaath slowly & deeply

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  19. #19
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    Sorry if i made you feel a little jealous Pete, but that's life...hehehehehe

    I wish you were all here instead of stuck over there....

    Paul, why on earth don't you do something about it instead of working up a lather.

    I could live like a king...well ok, maybe a prince... and i could set up a good business if i was staying here full time with the money i made from my house sale.....

    anyway, hope you're all ok.

    ta ta for now.

  20. #20
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    Originally posted by Gary@Nov 16 2005, 01:49 AM
    Sorry if i made you feel a little jealous Pete, but that's life...hehehehehe

    I wish you were all here instead of stuck over there....

    Paul, why on earth don't you do something about it instead of working up a lather.

    I could live like a king...well ok, maybe a prince... and i could set up a good business if i was staying here full time with the money i made from my house sale.....

    anyway, hope you're all ok.

    ta ta for now.
    Gary, it sounds like your having big fun out there!

    Elsa and I looked into getting a business while we were over there last week, and like you say, its actually very cheap to start a canteen or internet cafe, but the returns are much lower of course compared to the UK. We even looked at buying something on Boracay, and I must admit I was very tempted. How about the FilipinoUK Beach resort? Or even Pete and Keiths Crazy Boracay Hotel?! Hmm, it looks good already. Take a look at this: B.B.C.

  21. #21
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by walesrob@Nov 16 2005, 06:05 AM
    Gary, it sounds like your having big fun out there!

    Elsa and I looked into getting a business while we were over there last week, and like you say, its actually very cheap to start a canteen or internet cafe, but the returns are much lower of course compared to the UK. We even looked at buying something on Boracay, and I must admit I was very tempted. How about the FilipinoUK Beach resort? Or even Pete and Keiths Crazy Boracay Hotel?! Hmm, it looks good already. Take a look at this: B.B.C.

    what about Elsa and Robs Carinderia's ???? selling pork on sticks

  22. #22
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    I think that anyone thinking of starting a business here would be silly not to.

    I was just thinking this morning that i could get Ecxy to be the owner/manager of a net cafe or something...keeps me out of the system..less paperwork/explaining etc.

    Once established and running ok, can hire personel to take over the everyday running... leaves us free to do something else.

    The amount you actually put in will be regained after time as with all businesses. Anything after that is profit and can only be a good thing. As long as you keep the money invested in the Phils, then you've got no worries.

    Ok, anything earnt wouldn't buy a cup of tea in UK, but it could be the start of your global empire... a rolling stone gathers no moss but money sat in a bank account gathers interest. Three or four more extensions of your net cafe in different areas and you'll soon have a good income and able to transfer some to wherever you wish.

    Not had any ill health of any kind yet, but didn't sleep too well last night. feeling tired this morning... hard to sleep listening to all the air con motors buzzing away.

    Wedding reception in hotel last night. Young couple...early twenties. People were pinning money on them so i stuck 1000 pesos on them too...just to help them out a bit more. I never imagined the stares i would get from the other guests... i was a total stranger and just walked up and pinned my money. The smile on the brides face was the best thanks i got.

    The bar staff told me i was the first foreigner to have ever done that in the hotel, most usually just take photos.... So I was a little bit of a celebrity... ho-hum.

    As you all know 1000 pesos to us is not much, but to this young couple it meant a lot... i wished them good luck and returned to my beer, amidst constant stares and silent questions...

    One of the bar staff is looking for a partner for her daughter if anyone knows anyone who might be looking. I can get her e-mail address for any contacts.

    Going to see Harry Potter with Ecxy tonight..can't wait.

    That's all for the moment...going to check the rest of the forum, then off to the beach. Sun is out but got a tropical storm heading towards Luzon for the weekend... don't know how that will affect Davao.

    hugs and stuff.

  23. #23
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Gary@Nov 17 2005, 01:48 AM
    I think that anyone thinking of starting a business here would be silly not to.

    I was just thinking this morning that i could get Ecxy to be the owner/manager of a net cafe or something...keeps me out of the system..less paperwork/explaining etc.

    Once established and running ok, can hire personel to take over the everyday running... leaves us free to do something else.

    The amount you actually put in will be regained after time as with all businesses. Anything after that is profit and can only be a good thing. As long as you keep the money invested in the Phils, then you've got no worries.

    Ok, anything earnt wouldn't buy a cup of tea in UK, but it could be the start of your global empire... a rolling stone gathers no moss but money sat in a bank account gathers interest. Three or four more extensions of your net cafe in different areas and you'll soon have a good income and able to transfer some to wherever you wish.

    Not had any ill health of any kind yet, but didn't sleep too well last night. feeling tired this morning... hard to sleep listening to all the air con motors buzzing away.

    Wedding reception in hotel last night. Young couple...early twenties. People were pinning money on them so i stuck 1000 pesos on them too...just to help them out a bit more. I never imagined the stares i would get from the other guests... i was a total stranger and just walked up and pinned my money. The smile on the brides face was the best thanks i got.

    The bar staff told me i was the first foreigner to have ever done that in the hotel, most usually just take photos.... So I was a little bit of a celebrity... ho-hum.

    As you all know 1000 pesos to us is not much, but to this young couple it meant a lot... i wished them good luck and returned to my beer, amidst constant stares and silent questions...

    One of the bar staff is looking for a partner for her daughter if anyone knows anyone who might be looking. I can get her e-mail address for any contacts.

    Going to see Harry Potter with Ecxy tonight..can't wait.

    That's all for the moment...going to check the rest of the forum, then off to the beach. Sun is out but got a tropical storm heading towards Luzon for the weekend... don't know how that will affect Davao.

    hugs and stuff.
    Well done Gary, Gina and I thought that was a nice gesture after reading that story, you smooth git hahahaha, but anyway, enjoy your night out with Ecky, and give her our regards, hope you are really enjoying your time there, you are right that 1000 is a nice gift in the fortune dance, the bride would be ecstatic, when Gina and I had our fortune dance, we made about 17000 pesos, and Gina got a couple of cheques as well, so we didnt do too bad, how about yours Rob ?? how did you and Elsa do ? and yours Keith with Ping ? how do you do ??

    Look after yourself Gary !!! keep in touch with wishes

    Pete and G

  24. #24
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    Yer, you'd have to be crazy to stay with me & Pete :P

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  25. #25
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    Originally posted by admin@Nov 16 2005, 09:39 AM
    Yer, you'd have to be crazy to stay with me & Pete :P
    Guys, I've updated our website with some new pictures of Hong Kong and Boracay. Enjoy!

  26. #26
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    We have a Gallery here now as well click GALLERY :lol:

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  27. #27
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    We got plenty of IOU's from my tight scouse mates :lol:

    I would imagine that starting a business with all the legal stuff & taxes would be hell out there.

    I consider setting up a competition room, IE darts, pool, snooker, poker, tournaments. They pay to enter, you take a 30% cut, but not sure on the gambling lawas out there. Nothing a few quid to the Major that wouldn't sort it though, and these Filipino's are always looking to win more money.

    Maybe the Filipino WSOP event worth 1,000,000 pesos (world series of poker)

    ....or start a football league.......they don't seem to play it out there, but I reckon if trained they could play like the Brazilians with their fancy tricks.

    I mean how much would it cost a Westerner to give a footy to every poor hut in the area for the kids?

    Keith & Ping

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  28. #28
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    I came into net cafe again at 5.30pm yesterday on our way to cinema. I couldnot believe how busy it was.

    I was told to use computer number 57.... of 60..

    and at 20pesos an hour... 1140 pesos...

    then we arrived at the central plaza and i was amazed... there was two more net cafes in the plaza...right smack bang next to each other... both were busy... charging 25 pesos.

    and you should have seen the size of the rat that ran past my feet whilst we were watching the film....

    i've seen some big rats but i first thought it was a cat...

    well...i'm just gonna go change computers... back in a few mins...

  29. #29
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    You let the rat go away, you could have sold that fresh meat for around 150 pesos

    Keith & Ping

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  30. #30
    Respected Member
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    Davao city... then Hong Kong on the 25th
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    Hey, cool... wish i'd known that before...

    Rat catcher General... just like the good old days in London at the height of the black death...
    Brilliant idea...

    Now, where did I leave my leather gloves and the Posies for my pocket...???

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