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Thread: Exit Clearance Visa - with a Balikbayan stamp.

  1. #1
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Post Exit Clearance Visa - with a Balikbayan stamp.

    I went to Marqee Mall, Clarke today to see about an exit clearance certificate as I have been here in Phils for over six months.

    First off, the immigration offices are closed on Saturday, so that was a bad move, but there was an immigration officer sat at a table who was able to give me some advice. He said that because I was holding a Balikbayan visa and leaving the Philippines before my 1 year was up, I did not need a clearance certificate.
    Apparently, if you enter the Philippines on a 30 day visa and extend and extend over the six month time, or in my case extended my Balikbayan for another six months then I would need an exit clearance certificate. Luckily though I am exiting before my year is up and don't need it.

    I hope that helps anyone who was worried about that.

    One more thing. If you extend and extend over the six month period, you automatically get an ACR-I card. Being on a Balikbayan visa you don't get one unless you extend again. The rules are just changing for the ACR-I card but this is what the official said today.
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  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    I went to Marqee Mall, Clarke today to see about an exit clearance certificate as I have been here in Phils for over six months.

    First off, the immigration offices are closed on Saturday, so that was a bad move, but there was an immigration officer sat at a table who was able to give me some advice. He said that because I was holding a Balikbayan visa and leaving the Philippines before my 1 year was up, I did not need a clearance certificate.
    Apparently, if you enter the Philippines on a 30 day visa and extend and extend over the six month time, or in my case extended my Balikbayan for another six months then I would need an exit clearance certificate. Luckily though I am exiting before my year is up and don't need it.

    I hope that helps anyone who was worried about that.

    One more thing. If you extend and extend over the six month period, you automatically get an ACR-I card. Being on a Balikbayan visa you don't get one unless you extend again. The rules are just changing for the ACR-I card but this is what the official said today.
    's certainly reassuring news for many, Steve ...

  3. #3
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Steve... Remember..A BB stamp is not a visa...It`s a privilege offered to Balikbayans, their spouses and dependants to stay visa free for one year.. No clearance certificate required to exit.

    You cannot extend a BB stamp..But!! you can apply for a tourist visa after it expires..

  4. #4
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    Also, it is my understanding that an ACR-1 stamp/sticker/cert is usually required before being able to open a local bank account.

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