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Thread: Why does this happen?

  1. #1
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Why does this happen?

    I've heard sad stories of people who get their visa successfully, they come to the U.K. everything is fine. Then they have a holiday in America or someplace and find they get refused entry when they come back to the U.K. Does anyone know precisley why this happens? I've heard this has happened to a Thai girl, and also an American/Spanish girl, but they are vague about the reasons why it happened...I'm sure none of us want to get into that situation...can anyone shed any light as to why this apparently sometimes happens?

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  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Depends on what visa, as prehaps they have terms and condtions on their visa. My Wife has come and gone to france once, italy twice and been back to phill.
    She went with out me on one trip to italy and i was a little worried as all her visas british and scehgen were tied up with me but she was fine.

    I guess it depends on the visa, length of time they went abroad i guess.

    I know of one guy who had a problem but he was not suposed to be here in the first place as he had applied for ayslum when he shouldn't have due to his nationality etc.

    I saw in the paper the other day that since fingerprints were brought in for visa applications, 500 applications have been stopped already for one reason or another.

    I was speaking to a guy who owns a language school today in london and we were just chatting when he got a call from one of the the teachers that none of the people on his class had turned up.

    I said why is it a bug, he was like oh no they are looking for new jobs, the hours of their job had changed or that they have moved on to somewhere else in the UK. Most were on student visas....

  3. #3
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    I've heard sad stories of people who get their visa successfully, they come to the U.K. everything is fine. Then they have a holiday in America or someplace and find they get refused entry when they come back to the U.K
    Easy: the visa was surely single entry and not multiple entry.

    When you plan to go out temporary of a country were you got a visa to enter you have always to carefully check if the visa will allow you to come back.

    The minimum checks to be done are the following:
    1) passport with a validity of 6 months minimum at the end date of the visa,
    2) visa allowing to re-enter (should be written "multiple entry") when I come back,
    3) visa(s) for the country or countries I'm going to visit (depending your passport, visa and citizenship), again check single/multiple entry depending your trip,
    4) Tickets including return ticket within the visa validity,
    5) during my trip, is there an area where I need to secure a transit visa, do I have it.

    Example of transit visa needs: arriving from abroad in Heathrow to catch the next flight abroad in Gatwick: to go from Heathrow to Gatwick you may need a transit visa (depending your passport, visa and citizenship).

    For a Filipina or a Thai, visa is always required in western countries.

    I heard another case in Europe of someone having a single entry Schengen visa transiting in a country between 2 schengen countries by car (was is eastern Europe). She was blocked and ban entering Schengen country again. They didn't notice they change country during the trip by car. So they had to stay in the transit country to secure a new Schengen visa at the embassy of their destination (2 weeks delay of course + the cost for the papers + the fee + the cost for the extra stay).

    You must always carefully prepare the travels. A Filipina residing in the UK is still a Filipino Citizen and so visa regulations applies exactly as if she was in the Philippines.
    Best regards.

  4. #4
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Thanks for that A flyer, I've got a much better idea of why it happens now!

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  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    also maybe they've been naughty and overstayed, something the gov has started to clamp down on now.. when they leave the uk maybe their passport has been endorsed as a overstayer or the computer is checked when they try to re-enter the uk and err they tell you to

  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    I also noticed on some other websites that i know joe reads as well. That particularly when i first started reading them a few years back. People seemed to quite often write in and say my visa has run out i need to go wherever will i be ok

    That or they suddenly realised the spouse visa for example had run out and it was months or years after the end date..

    A flyers excellent post shows how you have to check all the condtions of the Visa and fully understand them.

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