hi, i hope you dont mind but in my first thread i did,nt give alot away, i would like to tell you more about me and my fantastic gf lenn isobel, we met over 3and a half years ago in kl, i was in kl on tour with norwich city my other big love of my life, it was my first trip to south east asia and did,nt think it would be a trip to change my life, on my second morning i went to have something to eat with my mate and his philippine gf when she saw i was on my own she suggested i met up with her friend and within minutes lenn turned up, any suggestion of food and those girls come running, lenn stood there like a princess i was stuck for words and anything i tried to say well it just soundedshe made me feel so relaxed from the first second that smile that giggle that black haire oh my god i was falling in love. we spent all week with each other i did,nt watch one game, when i returned to england i told my english gf who had made my life hell for 6 years that it was over, i dont now where i found the bottle to do it but it was either a life of hell or lenn no choice to be made. over the next few years we have had trips back and forth, sometimes meeting up in thailand, hong kong or good old manila my fav, i,ve been dragging my heels over getting married see i,ve never been married and have always been quite independant but life without lenn is hell so not only do i now what i need to do but i now what i want to do so with some luck and skill we will be married in march, can i just take this small moment in time to thank everyone who has either helped me so far or has just responded to a thread you should all be very proud of this site, one more thing lenn i love you