Hi, I'm Kakay from the Philippines. I discovered this site through google and thought that it was the most ideal place to make friends with kababayans and brits. After I graduate in college and gain some work experience, I plan to work in the UK together with some friends. That is if we get lucky. :( Anyway, I still have two years before I finish my degree here but I guess it would be a nice idea if I already start making friends.

I've been to the UK once exactly 6 years ago, when I was 14 years old. I loved it. Kaso bitin!!! I only had the chance to visit London and some places near it (stratford-upon avon and the place where you can find the millenium dome ). How I wish I had visited Edinburgh and Glasgow as well. Any Filipinos up there?

If anyone wants to have some good Pinoy rock songs, I would gladly send it through email. The only thing I could do I guess. I'm always free for a bit of chitchat as I need a break from schoolwork Hope everything is fine there for all you! Paalam. :P