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Thread: no answer from embassy

  1. #1
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    no answer from embassy

    morning all

    is anyone else experiencing difficulty getting contact with the philippine embassy in london.

    i am using the new numbers now that they have moved, but the receptionist never answers, twice the answer service came on and i left a message but no response.

    the fax number will not recieve.

    they dont reply to my email.

    i am trying to locate my wifes passport and documents that they are legalisising and have had them since 17th december 2007.

    any ideas what the problem is.


  2. #2
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    i don't have an idea what's going on in there, but try to phone this number 02073614639

  3. #3
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    vbkelly ,dont recognise that number , where will that take me too


  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    From a quick google the consular section of the embassy.

  5. #5
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    vbkelly ,dont recognise that number , where will that take me too

    02073614639 this is the last time i used it was early december,sorry for that maybe they change their contact number

  6. #6
    Respected Member cinmickey28's Avatar
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    i was able to contact last tuesday and wednesday using the new telephone number on the website but it needs a lot of patience as it will just keeps on ringing and sometimes will take you to leave a message..... i was successful when I ring around 4:30 to 5:00 in the afternoon.....
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  7. #7
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    thanks cinmickey28

    from the 3rd of january i have now called more than 50 times , like you said sometimes to message service, which is a waste of time!, there fax does not recieve also , but at least i know now that the ignorant bas!"^^*ds are acually there.

  8. #8
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    Hello john sergison,
    I got a filipino news paper from a shop nearby my place here in milton keynes. I learned that the Philippine embassy has moved to 6-8 Suffolk Street, London SW1Y 4HG from 3 January 2008.

    Their new telephone number is 0207 451 1800

    email address are:

    You may try again your luck to call them at this new number...I hope you will be able to reach them.

  9. #9
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    thanks vrn

    yes i have had this information since they reopened on the 3rd,
    but still they dont answer telephone, emails and the bloody fax does not recieve, so now in desperation i have written to them.

    i even called the emergency number to see what was happening , guess what, no answer, so dont expect help in an emergency

  10. #10
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Last week i had to vist an office of a customer for a meeting and walked past there i was thinking it must be an embassy by the people and the way they were waiting for an asian nation. But didn't think the phill embassy as i didn't know it had moved.
    By pure chance i have to go to the same office first thing tomorrow. I will see if the crowds are not to big if they have any contact details.

    I must say its very central for those who don't know london its right next to traflgar square.

  11. #11
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    cheers andypaul

    yes if it was reasonable travel distance for me i would go there but its a 4 hour drive each way. its a pity they dont have honary consuls in most main citys like some other countrys ie, cyprus

  12. #12
    Respected Member cinmickey28's Avatar
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    hello john, i tried ringing the phil embassy again yesterday more or less than 20 times consecutively before I get through ...... it is their new telephone number in their website 02074511800....... just keep on trying thats the only number they got for now
    A relationship founded in GOD will last forever and will always compromise trust and happiness, as all good thoughts are derived from wisdom and faith,and trust .

  13. #13
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Was on my way to vist the customer just round the corner and saw the big phill flag they have out (be careful nearby is the texan embassy a resturant which if the flag is bunched up might confuse you for a second as similar colours)

    There were no signs on any of the doors and i got a call from my host who said he was running late and could we meet up in a nearby hotel. The embassy had yet to open but it looks like its still being decorated.

    But it looks like Cinmickey28 has beaten me to it.

    The embassy when i saw it the other week in the afternoon was full of people and looked incredibly busy compared to most other embassies i see and when i have crossed traflgar square recently i have heard a lot of phill voices which i never noticed before. So if you want to bump into phills the bottom of regents street is the place to be.

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