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Thread: if anyone now,s you boys will

  1. #1
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    if anyone now,s you boys will

    over the last month and a half my gf was turned down on a visitors visa, then after trying again she got one, but only for a month so she went home before xmas, she tried again twice and was turned down twice so all in all she has three stamps in her passport saying what ever it says when your turned down, is this a problem?

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by rosstrtco View Post
    over the last month and a half my gf was turned down on a visitors visa, then after trying again she got one, but only for a month so she went home before xmas, she tried again twice and was turned down twice so all in all she has three stamps in her passport saying what ever it says when your turned down, is this a problem?
    Personally I think that she should have no problem in future, unless there where a few white lies that did not match up with the one successful application....
    The Embassy, as far as I know, will, in most cases if not always, state the grounds for refusal.

    Peter and the other guys might be able to help you more on that one, but, even them, not knowing the exact circumstances cannot help in making a fair assumption. I think....

    Good luck.

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    what reason did they give for refusing ? did she overstay the first time she came ?, was it that the eco didn't think she would go back ??

    i think it might be difficult now shes been refused 2 in a row, unless you show the reasons for the refusal have been dealt with. if you have maybe appeal, visitor visa have a high refusal rate anyway, and now the max time is only 3 months.

    maybe time to use another visa route.

  4. #4
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    thanks mate, no lies just silly little things like no plane tickets lined up, just small things, its just i think some places its three strikes and your out of it for 6 months

  5. #5
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    we just tried to rush things for xmas and did,nt bother to appeal coz of time limit before xmas i was just worried that when we get married in march and then go for the visa then the embassy play up, my gf has been to the uk 5 times and always goes back on time

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by rosstrtco View Post
    my gf has been to the uk 5 times and always goes back on time
    Shouldn't worry too much, then....

  7. #7
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rosstrtco View Post
    we just tried to rush things for xmas and did,nt bother to appeal coz of time limit before xmas i was just worried that when we get married in march and then go for the visa then the embassy play up, my gf has been to the uk 5 times and always goes back on time
    Well the filght should be cheap or free with all those airmiles

  8. #8
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    I cant see any problems ross,when ur gf applied for her visa in the near future, as long as u are sure that there's no lies happened when she applied the last time..

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