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Thread: Yahoo Chat on Windows Mobile

  1. #1
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    Yahoo Chat on Windows Mobile

    Yahoo Chat on Windows Mobile... anyone know how to do it?

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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  3. #3
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    I am using fring on my windows mobile. It's an all in one messenger you can use it in Yahoo, MSN, ICQ and alot more. Try it. Here's the link I hope it can help you.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Thanks for the info. Played with the demo. All I'm after is just Yahoo Messenger but that looks like there is a whole bunch of stuff I will never use.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by charlwill View Post
    I am using fring on my windows mobile. It's an all in one messenger you can use it in Yahoo, MSN, ICQ and alot more. Try it. Here's the link I hope it can help you.
    Thanks. This looks very interesting. Anyone else use it?

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    If they all just work on SMS, could get costly. 5p-30p an entry!!
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by charlwill View Post
    I am using fring on my windows mobile. It's an all in one messenger you can use it in Yahoo, MSN, ICQ and alot more. Try it. Here's the link I hope it can help you.
    Many thanks for this info. I have installed it on my mobile now.... wow... very good

    Had a 10 minute Yahoo 'chat' with my girl in PI using GPRS.... worked fine and only cost about 5p.

  8. #8
    andypaul's Avatar
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    For those not using pay as you go cards and on contracts be careful with what rate they charge you for messenger data rates may not always be the one they advertise.
    The data rate or package you may have on your contract may only be to download web pages etc. With out boring peeps web pages, email and yahoo use differnt ports so they can tell in most cases what your using it for.

    So my advice is check before you use it as it is like Tomm as found a wonderful system but could cost you a fortune on the wrong contract or phone company.

    For the various versions from different companies also check out the reviews from others (this is not related to fring in particular) some will use different methods as mr admin mentions some are sms based and other data transfer (gprs or 3g).

    Check the software is reliable as some can be buggy and crash, slow down your phone or even change the settings or functions. Check how much memory and resources it takes up on your phone as you may wish to run it in the background and use your phone normally for example, some will allow others will try to let you, the really bad ones won't.
    Also if you leave just online what is the amount of data sent? Some very little others may cost you quite a bit.

    Check if they auto update (may cost you money or your data quota for the month and slow your phone down) and what info or parts of your phones insides they have access to (can they see your address book etc) Do you want some body you don't know being able to access all your address book, calendar and what ever else you may keep on your phone The good software companies will tell you others may not either tell you or worse not know themselves.

    Also check if the nerds think its efficent in the way it sends the message if one sends the same message ten percent more efficently it may well save you a small fortune over a week, month and a year!

    Also check how realiable the servers are the info is sent to a server and then sent on and the info sent back. One service i used a few years back was very well written and did all i asked of it but the servers couldn't keep up with the demand and therefore i couldn't use the service all the time.

    Also be careful as with all info what info you send if you use third party software, unlikely due to the scale they will be reading every word you say but something to bear in mind. Software which can scan in realtime the info you send are avaible, so bear it in mind.

  9. #9
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Thanks for the remiders Andy...

  10. #10
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    Useful info and good advice andypaul

    For the benefit of others, personally, I don't know of what other software is available but Fring works for me. I only wanted Yahoo messenger access on my mobile so that's the only part of Fring I'm using. It does exactly what I want. If I'm out and delayed, we can have a short chat so she knows where I am etc. It's better than a text and much cheaper too, 10-15 minutes costs me about 5p on GPRS I'm using Vodafone payg... as andypaul says... be careful with your contract/provider. I plan to try it next week on Smart in pi... if I can get it to work

  11. #11
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomm View Post
    Useful info and good advice andypaul

    For the benefit of others, personally, I don't know of what other software is available but Fring works for me. I only wanted Yahoo messenger access on my mobile so that's the only part of Fring I'm using. It does exactly what I want. If I'm out and delayed, we can have a short chat so she knows where I am etc. It's better than a text and much cheaper too, 10-15 minutes costs me about 5p on GPRS I'm using Vodafone payg... as andypaul says... be careful with your contract/provider. I plan to try it next week on Smart in pi... if I can get it to work
    In phill many use a sms version provided i think by globe or smart. My missus lill sis and her friends use it costs very little (to a brit anyway) and will be good enough for you to keep incontact with people on yahoo

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