Many of the people here from india are worked real hard and many working in business parks near me leave real late and start very early.

The unis do teach it degrees which are useless with out practical experience and most employers still want cisco, ms or manufactuer certs to prove they know what they are doing.
Many of the UNI's are scaling down there uni classes and students simply are not intrested.

The IT training in schools is from what i have seen from the schools in london we been invited to visit to help out at in one way or another.

If we trained more college aged kids in quals something like the a+ and n+ in the early 90s instead of the outmoded rubbish i learned we might have had the quality of staff needed to support an I.T industry.

Most I.T training should be more hands on and vocational training not degrees writing about it.

We leave whats taught in schools and unis to those that cant, when really it should be asking those that can.