oh i'm not knocking how hard Indians work, or polish, i know i work with a pole, and the poor gets paid the lowest amount

and i even agree with you on the cert side, as most of it is practical not theory based, unlike most degrees, but many jobs ask for a degree and not certifications, but you can not beat hands on experience , and thats one thing they cannot teach you

i have to laugh everytime i see the ads on tv for train in a job in IT, and get 30k+ ayear, like their 6wk or 6month course would get you that , even help find you a job, yes selling big macs , whos going to employ someone whos done a course for a couple of months and let them touch you servers , the guy who does our IT at work, i would let him turn my pc on never mind try admin a server, even with all my years of experience in IT, i make sure and double sure i don't anything up, or i've got a good idea what i'm doing first and i've copied any files first to somewhere else b4 i delete them, our bespoke stock system, of which we were paying £700 a month maintenace , stopped working, took me a while to kinda figure out why it wouldn't work, db files had been over written with old ones and were not compatiable with the newer version of the program, thats what happens when you have a few who have access to editing the db files directly and screwing it up.. and the backups were nealry a year old