My advice get the two exams for A plus passed then N+ so you have a good firm understanding and also the two which many IT industry jobs will either expect you to have and understand that level of information.
Many problems with I.T projects is people in postions where they don't know the basics (correct cabling for example) and then the whole project comes crashing to a halt as the cabling is redone![]()
Then with acheiving mcse you would need to become mcp and then mcsa.
Start simple one step at a time either get the mcsdt two quals 070 271 and 070 272 if my memories severs me correct and then go on to the 070 270 and then i would suggext 070 290 and another which ever you find yourself drawn to. But thats a way down the line.
At all levels its best to test yourself regularly. You can get many programs which will test you on both A+ general questions and in particular areas so you can test for areas of weakness.
Good luck Sir its worth it![]()