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    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    A great get together

    Well what a great get together it was.

    The meeting was planned let’s meet up between noon and 1pm on the Saturday at the Royal George hotel in Perth and we can have a good old chin wag and best off all another couple turned up too.

    Myself and Emma was there first after our drive down from Aviemore in fact we was there just after 11.30 and we managed to get the last free parking space which did go down well in my books then it was around30 minutes later that Simon and Rani shown up and the chat started.

    Then it was Arthur and Myrna turn to to come through the doors a little late even though they live the nearest plus as Arthur kept reminding me that he use the bus as he has a free bus pass.

    Anyway what a very good time we all had, chatting away about everything and nothing and then it was time to eat, in we went into the conservatory over looking the garden and river and we all chose our meals and I must say mine was very tasty and the others enjoyed the food too, puddings next for a few then it was back into the other room for coffees and my cup of tea.

    Seven years since we met up the last time with Arthur and Myrna and never seeing Simon and Rani before only on the internet it was so nice to talk face to face , but like anything the time goes by so quickly and it was time to say our goodbyes until the next time, but Simon and Rani very kindly asked us to pop over to there place near Glasgow and we had a few days staying in there wonderful house .

    What a great way to end our holiday with long time friends who we have known for so many years but only see each other when we can, it’s good to talk but better to shake the hands and see them face to face in my eyes.

    So thank you Arthur and Myrna and thank you Simon and Rani.
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