Thanks for that. Basically, we have spoken to an attourney based in Cotabato – my gf is in Davao. He is currently working on a case, and has shared the documents with us.

I have seen the documents from the Civil Registrar stating that the annulment has been granted by a judge. The person filing the annulment now has to go to the NSO with the court order. We asked if we could possibly see the NSO documents before deciding to proceed (I want to be sure this atty is legitimate), and he told us that this will not be possible because it takes a long time.

Upto 1 year. Unless the person in the case pays 10k to get it speeded up in Manila. My girlfriend said that the annulment is complete – so we should go with this attourney. But, I don’t think it is complete until NSO have completed the records, and CENOMAR is granted. After all, that is what the embassy will be asking directly to those Government agencies.

The atty is a friend of my gf’s family – so she trusts him. But he is putting pressure on us to start NOW, and yesterday he told us about NSO - I don't like that. My gf is not talking to me now, because I dared to question the integrity of him. It sounds more like a fixer to me, than an atty. I am eager to get annulment started, but I am not prepared to lose money to a crook – that could jeopardise everything (not just money, but affect future visa applications if we fail because of faked documents).

I asked my gf to seek another atty, but she just tells me that I should look seeing as her ideas are always bad. I didn’t criticise her, but I am scared of being stung.

If you are willing, maybe I could email you the documents I received?