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Thread: Booze Britain: What's the answer?

  1. #1
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Booze Britain: What's the answer?

    So what do you think how can we beat the Britain booze problem?

    Tougher sentences
    Higher drink prices
    Tougher sentencing laws

    Admin/Mods, Lol. tried to put the poll here but didnt work.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I'll have a pint while I think about it

    The drinking is the same as what it was in the mid 80's when I started drinking (very lightly ), what has changed is that no one has any respect for each other these days, and that is was leads to the violence.

    Plenty of binge drinkers in Hamburg, Germany, but they just come out & stagger home.

    Plus we have no justice system in this country. 50 strikes and your still in!!
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by LadyJ View Post
    So what do you think how can we beat the Britain booze problem?

    Tougher sentences
    Higher drink prices
    Tougher sentencing laws

    Admin/Mods, Lol. tried to put the poll here but didnt work.
    Send them all to Liverpool.

    Higher drinks prices is a good one. You go into More Reasons, and the own-label beer is cheaper than water.

    I dont think tougher sentencing works, IMHO.

    Also, by nature we in the UK are reserved and well-mannered people when sober, but get us drunk, we turn into blithering idiots, unable to walk or talk, or see reason. I know I've been there, and I'm guilty of doing some rather silly things. Seemed like good fun at the time.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Speaking as a resident of the Phils. for a year, I say that beer should go up to £50 a pint.


  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    Speaking as a resident of the Phils. for a year, I say that beer should go up to £50 a pint.

    sir al, im not a drinker but 1 bottle of san mig light/san miguel beer is just 20 ? correct me if im wrong pint is 50 ????????

  6. #6
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    Booze Britain? how about booze philippines?

    After a night knocking back san mig grandes, I decided it would be a good idea to offer the security guards a little refreshment this was about 7am - and they decided to join me. So there I was sat with half a dozen san mig grandes, 4 pump action shotguns, and a packet of peanuts.

  7. #7
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baboyako View Post
    So there I was sat with half a dozen san mig grandes, 4 pump action shotguns, and a packet of peanuts.
    Nothing like having a Manchester Night Out fantasy night eh?
    Keith - Administrator

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by LadyJ View Post
    So what do you think how can we beat the Britain booze problem?

    Tougher sentences
    Higher drink prices
    Tougher sentencing laws

    Admin/Mods, Lol. tried to put the poll here but didnt work.
    Remove all the toilet facilities in pubs and clubs

  9. #9
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomm View Post
    Remove all the toilet facilities in pubs and clubs
    Well after a few pints Everywhere is a CR

  10. #10
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    We don't have a drink problem!! We drink, we fall over, whats the problem?

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  11. #11
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Alcohol is the answer! But I can't remember the question!! "I'm not as thunk as you drink I am!!" - Not my quote..

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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by LadyJ View Post
    So what do you think how can we beat the Britain booze problem?

    Tougher sentences
    Higher drink prices
    Tougher sentencing laws

    Admin/Mods, Lol. tried to put the poll here but didnt work.
    One of the problems with what is wrong, if not a major contributing factor, is the simple idiotic legal drinking age law.

    In this country, like in the U.S.of A., you can wear your uniform and get killed in war under the age of 18.... but you cannot legally get an alcoholic drink...

    If you look at the European examples, France, Italy, Spain, etc. There is no age restriction.
    Wine is normally drunk with a meal, and shared amongst everybody at the table.
    When an italian goes to a bar for a beer with his mates.... That's what happens... he has "a" beer. And not countless pints of the stuff. Same in France, and other mediterrenean countries.
    We grow up with the stuff freely available, so it doesn't make an apith of difference if we don't have a drink.
    Unlike this little jerk
    Now, this guy pulled the same stunt in Italy a few years ago, and the security guys with him had an unfair rollicking for letting him get legless and make a nuisance of himself by allegedly running up and down the hotel corridors, shouting and yelling and setting estiguishers off... disturbing other hotel guests during the night. The main guy said at the time that they could not stop him because it was "legal" for under 18's to drink....
    They tried to deny and change the story, but the Island of Ponza is only 15 miles out at sea from my home town.... And one way or the other the real news came out, and it was serious.
    The other problem is that celebrities or fake celebrities tend to glamorize the drink. Kids are attracted by what the famous do or don't do. Role models...????
    Enter.... Kate Moss, Doherty, Britney and what have you...
    I sell wine for a living, by the way.... But I don't really drink. My last drink was a glass of wine, which I shared with my wife a few weeks ago.

    One solution would be to educate parents, in letting the kids have a drink from time to time, when they ask.
    After a while the mistyque of alcohol will have disappeared from their minds.

    What they propose to do now, is like bolting the gates after the horses have scarpered.

  13. #13
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    wat booze problem

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