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Thread: Immigrant???-Nasty word!

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    Apologies to those that got irritated by my post! I'm quite emotive, hey my Vimvie booked her flight to Heathrow! She'll be here on the 20th of February! I worked out that it's 29 days away!
    well done mate thats very good news you lucky bars###d, ps you did,nt offend me you say what you like

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    Is it me or is the word "immigrant" a horrible nasty word!? Imagine someone calling you an immigrant!? I happen to think that god created this world and that people should be able to come and go as they please! Call me a tw*t or whatever, but if people call me an immingrant? Am I the only one that thinks this?
    You have to see words like this for what they are and not what they imply in British society. Filipinos call us foreigners... do we get offended?

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    Apologies to those that got irritated by my post! I'm quite emotive, hey my Vimvie booked her flight to Heathrow! She'll be here on the 20th of February! I worked out that it's 29 days away!
    Congrats, you lucky bugger Well done and good luck to you both.

  4. #34
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    the next person, who asks my wife, what is the animal of this chinese year, she will , i told her to wear a badge saying shes filipina not chinese

    this has got me thinking, my parents were immigrants, fleeing the nazi's and then the russians, i was born in the uk, i work with 2 libyans, their mother is english, but they were born in libya, we were talking about who's more english , me or them..
    they have an english mother but were born in libya,
    my parents are lithuanian but i was born in the uk.,

    and does being pro-british or being proud to be british make you racist ? one thing i've always believed in is looking after your own citizens before other countries, and part of that is what gordie brown said, british jobs for british workers. something he can't do, as it's illegal

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    and does being pro-british or being proud to be british make you racist
    This is where us Brits get confused - maybe its because we are by nature very reserved people, we don't wave flags or say how great our country is because it would be seen as being too "American" or too Right Wing.

  6. #36
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    You really need to think things through a bit. you have a prejudice that immigrants are bad. Then, one day, you find that you have fallen in love with . . . a potential immigrant. Surely thsat should be enough to question your prejudice? Why did you think that immigrants are bad, when now you know that they are not?

    It is possible that you already knew loads of immigrants and they were all scroungers? But more likely, you don't know many immigrants, and your views have come from friends, family, and the newspapers.

    What a great chance for you! You now know that immigrants are not bad. You can tell your friends and your family. Let everyone know what a wonderful thing immigrants can be. But at the very least, you should realise that your previous views on immigrants were a mistake.

    And to all you filipinos living in the UK: you are immigrants and that is something to be proud of!


  7. #37
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i've not a problem with immigrants, after all, my parents and wife are were immigrants, what i've got a problem with is equality,

    don, close your eyes for a bit and don't read this, someone from the EU who lives in britain can apply for a family permit and bring their non euro wife and family here for free, and 'children' upto the age of 21 !!, and if your a brit married to a non euro you have to apply and pay for a spouse visa, and the uk gov state 'children' as being under 18 !!, what a load of , you cannot have 2 sets of standards, those who are british are penalised by their own gov

    non brits in the uk who are from the eu, after working for a year can claim child benefit and tax creds for children back home in thier country, yet my non euro wife cannot claim anything until she has ILR, thats a minimum of 2 years even thou she worked here for most of that time...

    oh i'm happy for don and others don't have to pay, i don't think anyone should have to pay for a visa to bring your wife and kids here, and who's going to pay to 'secure' our borders , everyone or no one... equailty for all .. rant over

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by IanB View Post

    You really need to think things through a bit. you have a prejudice that immigrants are bad. Then, one day, you find that you have fallen in love with . . . a potential immigrant. Surely thsat should be enough to question your prejudice? Why did you think that immigrants are bad, when now you know that they are not?

    It is possible that you already knew loads of immigrants and they were all scroungers? But more likely, you don't know many immigrants, and your views have come from friends, family, and the newspapers.

    What a great chance for you! You now know that immigrants are not bad. You can tell your friends and your family. Let everyone know what a wonderful thing immigrants can be. But at the very least, you should realise that your previous views on immigrants were a mistake.

    And to all you filipinos living in the UK: you are immigrants and that is something to be proud of!

    but i,am not prejudice, and my gf is a pinoy, i dont class her as a immigrant thats what i,am trying to say, you lived in thailand and i dont class that as a migrant i,am not on about people i,am on about the word and what it means to me and by the way i have had a black gf some of my best mates are black its not the colour of the man its how the man treats the country he lives in that goes for me when i travel to asia i treat it with respect,
    yes there,s loads of people who have come to this country and are fantastic people i look at them not as immigrants but human beings but people who come here or any country and abuse it i look as an immigrant, thats how i use the word, me not the oxford dick, are you saying i should,nt hold a grudge against a person who moves to another country and shows no respect for that country and uses it to there on means in ways we cant dream of, go to soho and see the eastern european girls being used and abused mmm thats good i would never hold a grudge because of someones colour accsent or relegious background o and my uncle married a muslim no probs there

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    Apologies to those that got irritated by my post! I'm quite emotive, hey my Vimvie booked her flight to Heathrow! She'll be here on the 20th of February! I worked out that it's 29 days away!
    wow happy for you nigel

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    Apologies to those that got irritated by my post! I'm quite emotive, hey my Vimvie booked her flight to Heathrow! She'll be here on the 20th of February! I worked out that it's 29 days away!

    Congrats Nigel..I hope it will be easy for Vimvie to adjust when she's here..

    Goodluck to new life together..

  11. #41
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    these 2 stories should be in the humor section, made me

    IanB just 2 stories in the last week that you've got to admit take the

    and one not so funny

    from our right wing press and left wing bbc

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    Apologies to those that got irritated by my post! I'm quite emotive, hey my Vimvie booked her flight to Heathrow! She'll be here on the 20th of February! I worked out that it's 29 days away!
    Oh! Actually she's coming on the 19th of Feb..and it's 24 days away now!!

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  13. #43
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Thanks Jedci, and Kimmi, I imagine it will be hard for Vimvie at first, it's a big step for her, I'm also a little worried about Vimvie's mother, Vimvie's father is going to Australia, he has found some work as a welder, this will leave Vimvie's mother alone with 4 kids!

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  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    Is it me or is the word "immigrant" a horrible nasty word!? Imagine someone calling you an immigrant!? I happen to think that god created this world and that people should be able to come and go as they please! Call me a tw*t or whatever, but if people call me an immingrant? Am I the only one that thinks this?
    I don't find 'immigrant' offensive. People emigrate and they're immigrants. So it shouldn't be a nasty word. That said, it is funny how we're 'expats' when we go aboard but anyone who comes here is an 'immigrant'. However, I do agree with you in finding the notion of 'illegal' immigrant very offensive. No one should be 'illegal' by simply crossing into a notional man created border. Capital and all sorts of goods are now allowed to be moved freely around the world but some human beings are apparenly illegal when they do the same thing? That is quite sick really.

    The only reason free movement for human beings isn't allowed in the same way as it is for capital and goods is because the transnationals would soon find less and less people to man their sweat shops, call centres etc in third world countries and therefore less of a supply of cheap goods and services to richer nations. You only need to take a look at the 'made in' labels on your clothes or phone a bank helpline to realise this.

    Of course no one ever mentions anymore that mass immigration has been going on in Britain now a lot longer than just the last 60 years. Even if it was internal immigration. During the Industrial Revolution, people were compelled to emigrate from rural areas to work in the new factories. This is exactly what is continuing to happen to this day but they're just coming from further away now and outside the notional border. In addition, all the arguments about immigrants nicking jobs and depressing wages were made when the idea was first mooted that women should be allowed into the workplace. It wasn't true for woman and it isn't true for immigrants.

    After that I also find the British obsession with Asylum seekers mad too. There is this pressure to send back more and more. But what about if they're genuinely going to be tortured or murdered when they return home? As has often happened to people we've sent back. It would be much simpler to allow free movement and then you can do away with 'illegal' immigrants and the millions and millions of taxpayers money that is wasted on asylum claims and trying to stop 'illegals' getting into the country. Along with the millions in taxes lost because of the black market in labour. Of course all this would virtually put the Daily Mail, The Sun Daily Express etc etc out of business..... which is possibly reason number one why it would be a good idea!

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul_London View Post
    No one should be 'illegal' by simply crossing into a notional man created border.
    the sea around Britain is not man made, i find it offensive, that i being british should have to pay more than £3,000 for visa's to bring my wife and kids to live with me in the uk, while 'illegal' immigrants pay nothing, while overstayers on a tourist visa/ student visa stay here for many years after their visa expires. they are illegal because they have not followed immigration laws/rules or worse broken them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Paul_London View Post
    the arguments about immigrants nicking jobs and depressing wages were made when the idea was first mooted that women should be allowed into the workplace. It wasn't true for woman and it isn't true for immigrants. .
    I work with a pole who gets paid less than everyone else, my friend works for a company that has less than 20 employees , yet 7 are czechs, i wonder why .., 8 out of 10 new jobs created in the last 10years has been filled by immigrants.

    Quote Originally Posted by Paul_London View Post
    After that I also find the British obsession with Asylum seekers mad too. There is this pressure to send back more and more. But what about if they're genuinely going to be tortured or murdered when they return home? As has often happened to people we've sent back. .
    a number of the 400,00 asylum seekers in the uk, are not true asylum seekers, some come to the uk on visitor visa/student visa, smuggled in on lorries, ferries and the eurotunnel and want to stay, some are illegal immgrants when caught claim asylum, they are refused asylum and then appeal , this process can take years, this abuse causes delays and problems for genuine asylum seekers..

    the truth is probably in the middle, but you should see the facts yourself, not from your left or right wing press and media, but get out and read any uk immigration forum, and see the abuse that goes on.. how big is the abuse, no one knows..

  16. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    the sea around Britain is not man made
    No but the border is. Britain as an Island was only united as the UK in 1707. Before then there were borders seperating Scotland and England and they were firmly seperate countries. And now some of these (mad as far as I'm concerned) Scots nationalists want the border back again. So these borders are man made and if we can put them up then we can tear them down again.

    the truth is probably in the middle, but you should see the facts yourself, not from your left or right wing press and media, but get out and read any uk immigration forum, and see the abuse that goes on.. how big is the abuse, no one knows..
    I agree that is offensive about your wife - I just think it's also offensive that everyone else isn't allowed to move freely too. I don't look it at from a left or right perspective. My parents were immigrants and I live in an area with a historically high number of immigrants. So I understand the problems. And the main problem is that some immigration is illegal in the first place.

    Quite simply, allow free movement and ensure that immigrants contribute before they get the benefits of the welfare state (what is left of it anyway!). Then there is no abuse. I hate the way government created problems like a lack of investment in social housing, schools, hospitals etc are projected onto immigrants as their fault. It really isn't. It is just a crap government excuse for a chronic lack of investment in public services over the years. Our schools, hospitals and so on would still be struggling with or without immigration.

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