Quote Originally Posted by ms rae View Post
All these stories of two people finding each other - no matter how distant their worlds may be, sounds really romantic.

Which brings me to ask: What makes British guys and Filipinas really click? Is it similarities in culture? Physical appearance? Philosophies in life? Lifestyle? Interests? Attitude?

I hope you guys don't mind sharing your personal experiences... I've never really met or became close with any British guy myself so I'm just curious.
for me its easy but this my feelings everyone else might have a different view
1, i,am 41 my gf 25 that would,nt happen to me in england and it works well for me i,am young at hart and my gf likes an older man who cares about nice things in life not just beer drugs and fighting and when i was younger that was me
2,philippino,s remind me of my youth, respect for elders, being polite, good manners things i wish i could see here but dont any more
3, wealth, i have money she does,nt i,am 41 i dont need much so why not spend it on my true love
4, god you philippino,s are good looking
5, a true gentleman is a british man, if you dont belive me spend time with a yank or a aussie
6, god you philippino,s are pretty
and so on and so on it just works