I think British men find Filipina's VERY attractive because they have family values, they are trustworthy, they are loving and fun to be with, they're reputation for being loyal warm and accomodating is very true in my experience, I don't think were likely to find that in an English girl, don't get me wrong there is some nice English girls of course there is, but I'd be lucky if I managed to marry one! Because Britain is a rich country I think we've been messed up by consumerism, probably including me! It's as if people don't value relationships anymore, people value their pocessions! Some English people are cold hearted and demanding, when I was in the Philippines I was astonished at how well behaved the children were! I also witnessed the famous Filipino smile! I think filipino's are good hearted people, sharing people, I think we can learn a lot from them, I know I want to!