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Thread: What makes British guys and Filipinas click?

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  1. #1
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Strange one that Joe....I was talking to the wife's friend on AOL for a few weeks, seen an address in Singapore of some girl, and just wrote to her....didn't have a pic or I have a life sentence
    Keith - Administrator

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Strange one that Joe....I was talking to the wife's friend on AOL for a few weeks, seen an address in Singapore of some girl, and just wrote to her....didn't have a pic or I have a life sentence
    i know what you mean , your alright thou, i don't have the money to even send her back thou . poor dog, its always hiding under the table when shes about

    but i'm moaning at her to get a full time job and do her exam's , so bit of luck , me and the dog will get a bit of peace and quiet soon

    most british guys are honest, you've not meet a scouser thou have you

  3. #3
    Respected Member katie37pinayuk's Avatar
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    most british guys are honest, you've not meet a scouser thou have you [/QUOTE]

    i had to look up in the dictionary what scouser means - it just said someone from liverpool. thought what is bad about it! and an english friend told me it could refer to trouble and crooks. guess met some

  4. #4
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    I think a lot of it is just down to personal preference. I knew that I found oriental women incredibly attractive for many years. Even my English ex-wife knew that and it was probably no surprise that I eventually married someone from the East.
    I was not aware of the stereotyping that Filipinas are "loyal, caring, looking for older man, etc etc" when I met my girl online. I think she just had a preference for westerners whereas her three sisters show no such preference.
    I find some of Filipina-Westerner relationships very strange especially when you see 60+ white guys with 21 yr old Filipinas and it makes you wonder if there's genuine love there or just mutual satisfaction in some regard- sex for the guy and money/ security for the girl.
    I know my wife and I have genuine love for each other and it seems less relevant about our ethnic differences than it does for others who still may make the odd joke about "mail order brides" or "internet dating".
    Perhaps it is wrong to generalize and I for one know guys who have a preference for black women or European women so there are plenty of people making free choices about what partners they prefer no matter where they are from.

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