Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
scaremongering, I'll tell the guy I work with, whose partner died of Covid in January that it's all scaremongering

128,000 dead in the UK, nearly 4,000,000 around the world, I suppose for some people it's only scaremongering until it affects you, your family
or someone you know

misses works in A&E, she told me that she just tested and confirmed a 16 month old toddler and 6yr old have covid and it's young ones filling up A&E with covid cases now.
Since when did I say nobody has been affected from Covid? The point I'm making is that you shouldn't believe everything you hear or read. Did you know the word "Government" in Latin means "To Control The Mind".

Anyone have a free Spotify account? Try listening to your music for an hour and count how many government ads about Covid there are including the one where they claim there's a variant coming to a town near you . Getting beyond a joke now!