Germany's Paul Ehrlich Institute has reported 31 cerebral venous sinus thromboses and nine deaths out of 2.7 million people vaccinated there.
The most recent UK data reported 30 clots linked with low platelet counts and seven deaths out of 18 million people vaccinated.
The European Medicines Agency, which has assessed data from around the world, estimates there is around a one in 100,000 risk of a CVST in people under the age of 60 who have been given the AstraZeneca vaccine.
The organisation's head of safety monitoring, Dr Peter Arlett, said that was "more than we would expect to see".
However, it is uncertain what the background rate of these blood clots in the brain truly is. Estimates vary from around two cases per million people every year to nearly 16 in every million in normal times and coronavirus itself may be causing them too.