Quote Originally Posted by Dave_ View Post
Well presented carefully selected facts.
Take a step back.

"A healthy 75-year-old woman has a 99.8251% chance of surviving"

Almost two in a thousand healthy 75-year-old women will be killed by the virus.

That actually raises the important question:

What is a healthy 75-year-old woman?
- What percentage of 75-year-olds are included in these statistics, is it only physically active 75-year-old marathon runners and fell walkers?
- What about the others who are excluded from these carefully selected facts.

Worth noting that the death rates presented have been kept low by the lockdown, social distancing, and availability of hospital care when needed. Without these, the figures would undoubtedly be very different.

The data is from August last year, treatment and survival rates in the UK have improved since then. Most of the country is now back at work and social distancing seems to be on the way out.