Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
I thought being fully vaccinated is not going to stop you catching covid or spreading it, hence the need for the masks still. The vaccine will probably stop you needing to be admitted to hospital.

what do you think of this Fred ?

I think it`s all absolutely mental Joe what the world governments have imposed on a once free people in western and non western democratic nations.
I think it is very sad how the term "Herd mentality" in humans has been proven.
Herd of Sheep IMO.
Apparently the new UK travel App will not only prove that you have had 2 jabs,it will also provide your full medical history and get this..Criminal or alleged criminal history. WTF?
We have zero plans to travel anywhere and just keep a low profile on our little island..I send a runner to get our supplies in town as I do not wear masks or face shields under any circumstances.
On the island itself,there is no enforcement of so call covid laws that I know of and for now life is not too bad here.
I am not hopeful for the future though..I think even governments are shocked at how easy it is to manipulate and control the masses.