Funny that.. The WHO and the fact checkers told us for a year NOT to say that this scamdemic so called viral menace was man made and escaped from a lab in China.. Anyone calling it The China virus was probably a racist bigot! It came from Chinese peasants eating infected Bats in a Wuhan meat market they said!!This is not a normal virus, it was seemingly engineered during viral gain of function experiments in the Wuhan viral research institute and escaped from the laboratory.
Bring on Rand Paul on the U.S congress floor grilling Evil Dr Fauchi week after week and their story begins to change!
MSM have some work to do back tracking all the B.S they have been publishing for over a year because this is now become a real investigation.
It`s now also coming out with solid evidence that the so called left wing Anti vaccine "Fact checkers" have in fact been financed by big Pharma all along.
Do I trust any of the so called "facts" these lying scum bag institutions have published in the public domain?
Hell no.
Perhaps that`s just me.