Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
scaremongering, I'll tell the guy I work with, whose partner died of Covid in January that it's all scaremongering

128,000 dead in the UK, nearly 4,000,000 around the world, I suppose for some people it's only scaremongering until it affects you, your family
or someone you know

misses works in A&E, she told me that she just tested and confirmed a 16 month old toddler and 6yr old have covid and it's young ones filling up A&E with covid cases now.
Lots of people in the Phils with Covid now..Men women and kids..
Fortunately and miraculously, almost none with the normal type ailments like Flu, Dengue, or even Cancer!!
Some say that Covid is killing all Dengue Mozzies that bite CH-ina virus infected people.
Lets stay safe and Positive people!! (excuse the pun)