Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
Do you guys prefer my factual based posts in Black and white small type or in highlighted, underlined, enlarged text in pretty colours for spectacular effect?
Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
Experts say there is no evidence to believe the coronavirus vaccine affects fertility, but there are reports that some women are refusing to get the jab.
Dr Viki Male, a Reproductive Immunologist at Imperial College London, said women should feel confident getting the jab and that reports of changes are not unexpected, as similar reactions have been observed with the flu vaccine.


I don't think I would believe a word from rebelnews, Wikipedia says its a far-right political and social commentary media website, the owner, Levant has been successfully sued for libel on two occasions, while apologies and retractions were issued by him or on his behalf on three other occasions. In rulings for two legal cases, judges said of Levant that he has a "reckless disregard for the truth"
