Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
I honestly don't understand why all these videos, and whatever the stuffs being posted here (and on the other threads) are being posted. Is the purpose to change the minds of those who want to get the vaccines, or make us regret our decision, or what else? It looks like a campaign period of the anti-vaxxers really. Either way, just do whatever you want or don't want to do. If you don't want to get the vaccines, then don't. Simples.

Anyway, Keith and I got all the vaccines. My family in the Philippines also had the vaccines.
ALL of my family except little joe have had the vaccine, after the death of my work colleagues partner I will not take any risks

The unvaccinated are the majority who are dying now also young ones are now in intensive care

"Please be safe and if you are 12 or older — please protect yourself," read a tweet by Dr. Thomas Dobbs, Mississippi's health officer.

Seven children in Mississippi were hospitalized in intensive care with the coronavirus, Dobbs said. Two are on ventilators, he tweeted Tuesday.

In a Twitter post Monday, Dobbs said a "vast majority" of the hospitalizations and deaths are among people who were not vaccinated. According to NBC News' data, only 33.5 percent of the state's population is fully vaccinated.

Unvaccinated are 'the new vulnerable' as 994 new cases of Covid-19 confirmed