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Thread: Man gets 5 years for having 3 lawful books and THE WRONG VIEWS

  1. #1
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Man gets 5 years for having 3 lawful books and THE WRONG VIEWS

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    I think he had more than 3 unlawful books and the wrong views, looks like he had some connection to the KKK, Combat 18 and the NF.

    he must have been found guilty by a jury.

  3. #3
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    I think he had more than 3 unlawful books and the wrong views, looks like he had some connection to the KKK, Combat 18 and the NF.

    he must have been found guilty by a jury.
    Yes.looks like it.. But what did he do wrong in public exactly? What harm did he cause?
    If I read a copy of Mein Kamph`whilst wearing a MAGA hat and had a picture of Hitler on my bedroom wall could I be charged and arrested for a hate thought crime?
    What is the line I dare not cross if I lived in the NEW Britain today?

  4. #4
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    he must have been found guilty by a jury.
    He was a man with extreme right wing views convicted and sentenced by a judge with extreme far left wing views .

    I think he had more than 3 unlawful books
    Which ones were "illegal" and why are they available on Amazon?
    Are Amazon breaking the law for selling them to him?

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    no he was convicted by a jury on 3 counts

    he told the cops he was 'just a normal bloke' , yes like normal blokes have a link to the KKK, Combat 18 and the NF

    Well when it comes to Human Rights I'd rather be in the UK than the Philippines

    Since President Rodrigo Duterte took office in 2016, his “war on drugs” has killed thousands of mostly urban, poor people with impunity. The security forces have killed hundreds of activists, rights defenders, Indigenous leaders, lawyers, journalists, trade unionists, and environmentalists in a counter-insurgency campaign that involves the vilification, called “red-tagging,” of people deemed to support communist insurgents. Duterte also sought to silence critics, notably opposition Senator Leila de Lima, and news organizations Rappler and ABS-CBN. The government’s response to Covid-19 has caused serious rights violations, including the deaths of quarantine violators.

  6. #6
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    But what did he do wrong in public exactly? What harm did he cause? What crime did he commit?

    Judge Peter Lodder QC declared “I do not sentence you for your political views, but the extremity of those views informs the assessment of dangerousness.”

    In my view, the only thing more troubling than Brock’s hateful views is the decision to criminalize the holding of such views. It is an example of the continued erosion of bright-line protections of free speech in the United Kingdom and other European countries.

    I May Not Agree With What You Say, But I’ll Fight For Your Right to Say It!!

  7. #7
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Well when it comes to Human Rights I'd rather be in the UK than the Philippines
    Joe.. WTF has that got to do with this topic?
    If you want,start a topic about human rights in the UK and I`ll educate you a little more!
    The UK is on a very very slippery slope IMO.

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Joe.. WTF has that got to do with this topic?
    If you want,start a topic about human rights in the UK and I`ll educate you a little more!
    The UK is on a very very slippery slope IMO.
    when your own barrister states this, it doesn't look good , not just a normal bloke is he

    Edward Butler, defending, told the jury: “Some of the material we have viewed and the allegations against Mr Brock are unpleasant and appalling.

    You may well think that this is not the kind of man you’d want to go for a pint with, or that he spends far too much time on his computer.

  9. #9
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    And so what is your point? Are you not sure what crime he committed either?

  10. #10
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    Freedom of speech is a thing of the past in the UK. We know that.

    'P.C.' is now law, and the country is gradually being taken over, directly and indirectly, by immigrant minority groups and terrorists.

    'We' tried to tell them.
    Last edited by fred; 7th June 2021 at 16:09.

  11. #11
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Freedom of speech is a thing of the past in the UK. We know that.

    'P.C.' is now law, and the country is gradually being taken over, directly and indirectly, by immigrant minority groups and terrorists.

    'We' tried to tell them.

    Country is a F@kin joke these days..Even my parents are being indoctrinated by the BBC there..
    I find,It`s all very sad what is becoming to a once great country..The country I once loved.
    Ive got Brit mates here asking me to go to see England play down the pub here next week..I would love to go but having to watch the players take a knee for BLM might well be the reason I just stay at home that night..
    The new so called Manager of England football that calls for all Brit players to take the knee for BLM can be seen on the video below losing Euro 96 championships.. What a loser!

  12. #12
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    I agree with you on this Fred. Very sad.

    My dad's generation who sacrificed so much for us, would not have like it at all.

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