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Thread: Exchange rate

  1. #1
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    Exchange rate

    As the "widget" on my PC show the exchange rate against the Peso slowly getting worse and I wonder whether I should have bought a pile of Pesos a year ago, I hear various reports on how the market will go.

    Some people in the know say that the Asian economies will continue to grow whilst the old Western economies will weaken.

    Anyone else got any sound predictions on whether we should be putting our money in Peso accounts or not?


  2. #2
    Member imbazzer's Avatar
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    hi all is there any limits to the amount of pesos you can leave philippines with or no limits ?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by imbazzer View Post
    hi all is there any limits to the amount of pesos you can leave philippines with or no limits ?
    I don't see the point in taking currency out of Phil.
    I don't think you can exchange it in Europe. But i think that there is a limit...

    Yup, there is....

    Frequently Asked Questions:
    Banknotes and Coins
    September 2007
    Cash Department

    What is the restriction on currency import/export for Philippine Peso notes and

    Any person can bring in and out of the country legal tender notes and/or coins in the
    amount not to exceed P10,000.00 as provided for under BSP Circular No. 98, Series
    1995. Larger amounts require authorization from the BSP.

    Sorry to burst your bubble.

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    well i would rather keep what little cash i have in secure £'s than the php, i wonder if the philippine gov would or even could bail out any struggling banks there, while here the gov just gives them a loan from the taxpayer

  5. #5
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Was at the Football today and was asking a few of the city worker bods i bump into there what they think.

    One guy is something to do with currency and he said the Pound and the dollar are both

    Was a little bit complicated but although the pound is doing fine agaisnt the dollar everything currency is doing fine agisnt the dollar. Currencies doing well include the rupee, peso and belive it or not Brazills currency has been the best performing of the last few years.

    The US ecomony is buggered for low intrest rates, sub prime and a load of other things which i forget, britan is proped up by being at the moments the worlds bank and sterling untill recently (things may change with recent events and the housing price drop which is just starting as all the people who can not afford to remortage at a decent price) is being used by many of the national banks. Im told the banks are using sterling as one of their choice of forigen currenices but this im told could cause a problem if goverments decide they need to exchange the currency in a hurry, dumping loads of uk currency onto the market.

    This could also happen to the peso or one of the other strong currencies where people bet on it droping and dump loads of them onto the market (way to complicated to me to understand in detail) So the peso could suddenly dive for no reason what so ever.

    My brain was aching by now and kick off was approaching so i said is the peso likely to carry on agaisnt the pound like this and the consenus seemed to be most likely but i will get more info during the week although its only what they feel may happen from all the data.

    The pound is not going to get much stronger once the credit crunch bites in although many seem to be reigning themselves in before christmas so who knows, it will be more up to the phill goverment and events in phill it appears. Which is about as easy to predict as when is the next game where defoe is not caught offside 20 times in one half

  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by imbazzer View Post
    hi all is there any limits to the amount of pesos you can leave philippines with or no limits ?

    stick it in a bank account you can control from here. Many of the big phill banks are moving over here or are here already.

  7. #7
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    u have to be carefull where u get ur money!

    some of the local money changers can give the best deal,theres a tiny one in the greenhills mall(in manilla)which as given me the best rate every time!
    i have just got back and i got 88 peso for my pound,but in the SM mall i only got 83 peso,im pretty sure if u try getting some here the rate wont be good.

    if ur gf already as a bank account get a remittance with the PNB they give a very high rate for a bank.
    just monitor the rate and wait until it goes up and buy some but u are much better off finding a local money changer which is safe too!

  8. #8
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    u have to be carefull where u get ur money!

    some of the local money changers can give the best deal,theres a tiny one in the greenhills mall(in manilla)which as given me the best rate every time!
    i have just got back and i got 88 peso for my pound,but in the SM mall i only got 83 peso,im pretty sure if u try getting some here the rate wont be good.

    if ur gf already as a bank account get a remittance with the PNB they give a very high rate for a bank.
    just monitor the rate and wait until it goes up and buy some but u are much better off finding a local money changer which is safe too!

    PNB just follows the official rate roughly which is poor and getting poorer it seems and is about the same as sm mall, it hit 83 and a bit the other day .

    I guess the local money changers go by a different rules on supply and demand, you might have got 88 a week or so ago so may just react slower.

  9. #9
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    i have found the PNB to be higher than going to the high street here,just wait until it goes up and check the rate with the PNB before u send some money there.
    but u are right the rate looks like it will get worse,maybe the goverment are doing something right for a change,anyway the rate will go sky high when the goverment start realising they have got so much tax money to spend on its people! LOL

  10. #10
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    well i would rather keep what little cash i have in secure £'s than the php, i wonder if the philippine gov would or even could bail out any struggling banks there, while here the gov just gives them a loan from the taxpayer
    The government PDIC guarantee 250,000 Pesos if a bank on their list goes under.
    You can place that amount in different accounts such as a joint accounts etc which will be covered as a separate acct.
    I have not heard of an instance when this guarantee has failed to pay out.

  11. #11
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    I wonder whether I should have bought a pile of Pesos a year ago, I hear various reports on how the market will go.
    When the £ was worth P107.00 I was throwing large amounts of money here as if it was my lucky year!!
    Nothing like that ever lasts for ever and the rate back then was just begging for a correction..
    I own nothing in the UK anymore but I will wait patiently after the bubble bursts and property prices lose 50% or more over the next 4/5 years..
    Then I`ll be back to mop up.

  12. #12
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    Thanks Andypaul for your insider info. Sounds similar to what I was told.
    I got P86 to the £ when I sent Christmas money to the wifes family the other day using PNBs Global Filipino Money Card.
    At the moment we're still not too far from the magic 100 to 1 rate which makes mental conversion easy! However, if it goes much lower, perhaps below 75 to 1 then I'd start worrying.
    Personally, I have a building project to start in the Phils soon and obviously I want my £ to have good buying power. If there's enough evidence that it might get worse then perhaps I will buy maybe £5-£10K worth of Pesos.

    As far as taking Pesos out of the country is concerned, why would you want to? The P10K limit is low and I've had more than that in my wallet before when leaving the country, but I only hold on to it and eventually take it back with me on the next trip. If you open a Peso account with PNB, just leave your Pesos in there and manage it from the UK.

  13. #13
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    andypaul, the weak dollar is the excuse rolls royce are using for shutting down a factory in scouserland, 200 will lose thier jobs

  14. #14
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Airbus are worried about the cheap dollar as well i read somewhere a few months back. I guess because boeing will be able to sell a cheaper prices.

    Im amazed at how salarys differ in the US for the same Job from state to state. Guys in the same role in the same company will be paid 50 percent or even more extra living in new york rather than out in the stick vile.

  15. #15
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    The government PDIC guarantee 250,000 Pesos if a bank on their list goes under.
    You can place that amount in different accounts such as a joint accounts etc which will be covered as a separate acct.
    I have not heard of an instance when this guarantee has failed to pay out.
    Do many Phill banks fail? I think i read about one in trouble when over once, but don't know if it sorted out or not as their are so many over there i only know the big names.

  16. #16
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I just bought a wad of dollars
    Keith - Administrator

  17. #17
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    I just sent money today guys and we got P84.50 to the pound in London, I would not let the current situation worry you, it goes up and down, and over five year period the pound to peso rate has been pretty good, I can even remember getting P105 to the pound back in 2004, its been hovering around P91-P94 earlier this year, now obviously its not good for us, It is costing me about £60.00 a month now to make up the difference in the money we send into Philippines.

    Again, sadly we have to go along with the current exchange rates, i cannot seem to find any information on internet for the reason the pound is dropping against the peso.

  18. #18
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Again, sadly we have to go along with the current exchange rates, i cannot seem to find any information on internet for the reason the pound is dropping against the peso.
    Although the £ is doing well against the generally falling $,it seems to be tracking the $`s performance with the Peso.
    With the US set to drop interest rates again I expect the Dollar to get much weaker.
    I hope Im wrong.

    Do many Phill banks fail? I think i read about one in trouble when over once, but don't know if it sorted out or not as their are so many over there i only know the big names.
    one of the largest banks based in Cebu went under about 18 months ago..Everyone got their money (up to insured amount)
    Rural banks fail here quite often..

  19. #19
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Had a mail tonight saying Tomorrow the us federal bank will anounce if they make a rate cut, which if it happens most likely to see the dollar drop further. Many of the remittance rates seem to be worked out on sterling into dollar into peso so the outcome can be confusing to say the least.

    The bsp (Bangko Sentral ng Philipin) are starting to intervene with the currency buying 6 times more dollars than normal a month and new currency exchange rules are to be annoucned this week.

    This includes a rule that they will be raising the limits for allowing foreign currency to flow out of the country. But not sure about peso leaving the country.

    None of this groundbreaking as the people i have asked hardly knew manila had a stock exchange before i asked.

    I emailed a cousin (or is she an aunt but being the same age as the wife i thought she was a cousin) of the missus who works in pasay city exchange to see if she has info on the changes to the rules.

  20. #20
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I just bought a wad of dollars

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I just bought a wad of dollars
    Might as well buy "Andrex"...

    At least you get a free labrador puppy.....

  22. #22
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I'll be spending them in Arizona on 1/2 price stuff (full price to the Yanks )
    Keith - Administrator

  23. #23
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    what about thoses nukes flying about?

    spend ur bucks before u get fryed! lol

  24. #24
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I'll be spending them in Arizona on 1/2 price stuff (full price to the Yanks )
    how much is andrex out there

  25. #25
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    how much is andrex out there
    About a $ a sheet.

  26. #26
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    About a $ a sheet.
    Wow cheap as chips although the chips most likely cost more than a dollar now

  27. #27
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    what about thoses nukes flying about?

    spend ur bucks before u get fryed! lol
    No nukes in Arizona, they dropped them all on innocent Iraqi's
    Keith - Administrator

  28. #28
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    No nukes in Arizona, they dropped them all on innocent Iraqi's
    Knocked out by a jordan air max watist as it hits you on the bonce ouucch

  29. #29
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    Exchange rate today with PNB 82.25 to the £

  30. #30
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    wow, the peso getting stronger and stronger. im sure arroyo will have a happy christmas. atleast someone will! lol.

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