Over the past few months I have felt it necessary to speak (shout) to a few kids - 7 to 10 years (ish) - that were playing very noisy games right outside my first-floor apartment. Most of them did not live in the apartment complex. Usually they cooled it down for a while. Nuisance only.

Today my wife approached me on the subject; I don't know why, because there have been no problems of this nature for a few weeks.

The gist is that the neighbours have banded together, and are threatening to report me to the police, accusing me of child abuse. Such abuse being my shouting to them to "shut up".

I aim to get the hell outa here ASAP.

Can anybody offer some advice?

It goes without saying that I have never, and would never, abuse a child in any sense of the word.

I hope to be back in Manchester by early March.

I will never return.