None of us are getting any younger, and we probably all have aches and pains. Some, more than others.

I've had rheumatoid arthritis since 1986, and the last few years it has spread to my wrists. Apart from the swelling, and pain, it buggers up movement and grip from the elbows to the fingers.

My last NHS appoint was with a new specialist, and the guy never listened, and didn't have a clue. I've been on numerous painkillers over the years, and about 20 different NSAID's. I've been offered morphine more than once in the past. All my other specialist were excellent. When I asked the new one for a management plan moving forward, he said paracetamol and ibuprofen!! If I take them, I'd not be getting out of bed. That was after I'd told him they'd proved useless in the past, and I had only retested them about a year ago.