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Thread: How Is Your Health These Days?

  1. #1
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    How Is Your Health These Days?

    None of us are getting any younger, and we probably all have aches and pains. Some, more than others.

    I've had rheumatoid arthritis since 1986, and the last few years it has spread to my wrists. Apart from the swelling, and pain, it buggers up movement and grip from the elbows to the fingers.

    My last NHS appoint was with a new specialist, and the guy never listened, and didn't have a clue. I've been on numerous painkillers over the years, and about 20 different NSAID's. I've been offered morphine more than once in the past. All my other specialist were excellent. When I asked the new one for a management plan moving forward, he said paracetamol and ibuprofen!! If I take them, I'd not be getting out of bed. That was after I'd told him they'd proved useless in the past, and I had only retested them about a year ago.
    Keith - Administrator

  2. #2
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    Where do I get started!!

    Migraines controlled with medication since 1990.
    Turned 50 and have tablets for high blood pressure, high cholesterol. Bad kidneys and a partridge in a pear tree.

    Still alive just!

  3. #3
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    After 5 years on Keto and Carnivore I feel like 30 again! The drug dealing Dr's here tried to get me on Statins...I told them to f@@ right off in no uncertain terms!

  4. #4
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    Turned 73 now, much the same build as when 18, and apart from a sometimes achey elbow (bust it twice in my youth) no medications, etc, and feel fine.

    There is the 'Triple A' swollen artery thing in my abdomen though, which I do have ultrasound checked every year.
    I try not to do anything too strenuous... as recommended by the doc, but if it blows it blows. Nice knowing you all.

  5. #5
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    seems iv had a battle most my life, Dudinal ulcer at about 22 yrs old after that chronic pancritis,after that suffered with perferated bowel, had attacks with this for years and always blaming it on ulcer, doctors never diagnosed what was wrong ,coming up with stupid comments like think you had a panic attack, the attacks were like being poisond just like you see on movies hot cold sweating unable to breath and almost unconscious, always lasted about 10 to 20 minutes,i gave up complaining to gp, as i was getting no where, knowing that some day they only way was that i didnt recover then id get in hospital to get sorted well as these attacks as yrs went by got stronger and lasted longer untill finaly one day i didnt recover , ambulance to hospital they had difficulty to find what was wrong so they opened me up to find my small colon was perferated and took it out, many years of not eating good since that first ulcer, and even after the removal i still had to be careful what i ate, to avoid discomort, my early 40s was the removal, next , was hardening of the heart sack which if not treated in time would have caused a heart attack, i think its called pericarditis, and of course those of you here will remember i got cancer , within my first month of joining this forum, whith my first plan to go to Philippines ect, , now im here in Phils on my second plan, here iv just had a bad case of gaul stones removed double opp, oh and they found i have emphaseema, hopefully thats it now until i finaly kick the bucket

  6. #6
    Trusted Member
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    Wow !
    You're a survivor sir ! Keep on keeping on, eh.

  7. #7
    Respected Member Rory's Avatar
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    All you lot sound like the walking dead. Maybe i have all this to come.

    I am 58 next monday so i have a few years on most of your not all. I am a member of York Triathlon Club and so go running and biking a few days a week. Got the York marathon this coming sunday so i will be up for that.
    Yes i get aches and pains but they are all self-inflicted due to training. I might be not normal here as the stiff muscle pain and and aches i get i quite like, means i have had a good workout.
    Honestly, reading the above posts i should feel lucky that i am healthy but when you have nothing really wrong with you then you take it for granted.

  8. #8
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    your doing it right Rory, excersise keeping fit is a big part of benefitting your health for your later years,i was always energetic and fit even with my illness trials and at my best peak when i took up taekwondo at only 2 sessions of 3 hours each every week involving physical excersise / stretching, and sparing, if we keep fit we can fight any illnesses much easier with faster recovery, when older if your not fit enough to fight these things then you will hit a downward and slow recovery or no recovery at all, im not saying im ultra fit because im a smoker i know if i hadnt have been fit i proberbly wouldnt be here now,even at 70 yrs old my surgeon here said unlike most i am in perfect condition and would get through this easily, my mrs said to me i think she fancies you lol and i did even though i smoke , im a fighter im a survivor

  9. #9
    Respected Member Rory's Avatar
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    I still think 70 is just the start of older age. You are still in your prime Stewart, your wife has a lot more miles in the tank with yourself.

  10. #10
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rory View Post
    I still think 70 is just the start of older age. You are still in your prime Stewart, your wife has a lot more miles in the tank with yourself.
    fuuny thing is even with all my trials and i know i have slown down i still feel 10 year younger, i have never realy retired every day i have plenty to do using work as exercise, keeps me right both mentaly and physicaly

  11. #11
    Respected Member Rory's Avatar
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    I do not think i will ever stop exercising. I need to get out, if i can not run any more i am sure i would be doing a lot of long walking.

    There word "retired", that means dead

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